Its been a little over a year sinse an ole neighbor in other RV park used flex seal to coat the side gutter and roof seams on his roof. I was talking with him on the phone and the subject came up and he said it lasted about 10 months. He said he was peeling it off like ,,when we were kids and putting elmers glue on our hands and letting it dry and then peel it off.He said he was positive when he applied it,, then became discouraged when a leak appeared above his kitchen sink. The ole Texas sun baked it and then the cold snaps finished it off,, He said it just peeled right off,, almost in one long strand... Maybe someone has had better ideas on long term for commercial based products.. I myself use *fresh dico products and Sno-Kote and have had really good results.

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I ruled out Flex Seal because of price (in stock Walmart). There's two Henry products at Home Depot I found interesting. I am entertaining tackling a new roof coat so far this one is holding it own. It is obvious the last application was amateur. 

I've had really good luck with the Henry White Elastomeric coating.  Goes on just like Kool Seal, but it is a fraction of the price and lasts just as long. 

And use Eternabond Tape first, on all the seams.  THEN roof coat it.  Eternabond lasts forever.  We put it on our seams 8 years ago when I bought our 89 Holiday Rambler Imperial...and it is stuck on just as tight as the day we applied it.  

Dicor all the way.... Nothing seems to hold up as well. Have to tackle both roof seams that were sillyconed years ago and are leaking like crazy. Undoing all my nice interior work. That flex-seal is only good if not subjected to any temp extremes. I used some on my roof plumbing vents and it split after the first year. Thought I was pretty smart to use it but there you go!

I used Dicor self leveling on flashing and Sika Flex on standing seems 4 years ago on the Palace. It is still doing a good job but I was up on the roof this fall and it is showing it's age. not leaking yet but I plan on a re seal in the spring. I used Eterna Bond on the front and rear seems that go all the way across the width of the roof at that time and it is still good to go and still pliable as well. Sika  products are a bit pricey but work well I don't know if it's any better than some of the other premium stuff out there like the Dicor product line. It was recommended to me by the RV shop I used to do the functionality test when I first purchased the camper.   

Some really good answers in this discussion,,,, I was just curious on Flex Seals claim that it will last for years and years. The only way we can know about products is try them and hope they work and if we recommend them to our friends.

Flex seal is one of those products that seam to be to good to be true, as seen on TV stuff usually ends up being. I have never used it but in a pinch, I may. There is a lot of interesting videos on U Tube about it; some good some bad so I guess it's a matter of opinion and or prep as to its worthiness.

We have used Sno Seal on a few of our RVs and our house with very good results. Does leave a slight texture and comes out a blue color. Fortunately is turns white after a few days and looks good. My wife was sure it wouldn't turn white and does not like blue, sweating it for a few days!{adposition}&keyword=&campaign=345039915&adgroup=pla-4580496723899469&msclkid=a0d2fb4a4c661c0b3d9aa768cd2d1bcd&utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=**LP%20-%20Shop%20-%20Elastomeric&utm_term=4580496723899469&utm_content=1032%20%7C%205%20Gallon%20Reflective%20White%20Snow%20Seal%20Roof%20Coating%20%7C%20150




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