Hi everyone,

So this it, I finally signed up on an RV forum. I decided to go forward and start to be serious about getting one of those 1960s-1970s era Winnebago's. I just love the look of them and I'm tired of being a tire kicker. I tried to search online for one of them but there is not a single one available in Canada at this time that I can find. All website talk about how great the new units are but there is not much information about vintage units. I am looking for a small unit, maximum 24 ft (between 17 and 22 would be a lot closer to what i'm looking for). I have experience fixing boats, (diesel engine, electrical, plumbing, fiberglass) and mobile home (working with wood, re-coating the roof, replacing windows, floor, etc.) so I don't mind putting my hands towork in my future Winnie. We are a couple, no children as of now and I go down in Florida with the rest of the family once a year since... at least 1990. I would like to drive the 22 hours drive in one of those unit with some friends (2x adults and a kid) who usually tag along for that trip and take my time visiting the East Coast and stopping where we want, and the amount of time we want instead of rushing to get to Florida, be extremely tired and scrap the first few days of our vacations just trying to recover from the long trip.

So couple of questions:

- Any idea how much it will cost for a basic running model?

- Where's my best bet to get one?

- Anyone have experience importing such a vehicle in Canada?

- What are the dealbreaker in these units, as in what should I be running away from no matter the price?

- Do they have cruise control? If not can it be installed?

On a side note, I work for a boating equipment distributor. Modern boat and RVs share a lot of parts like 12/120v fridges, toilets, water heaters, fresh and black water tank, propane ovens and electrical equipment. I can get employee discount on these parts.

Tags: D-18, D-20, D-22, F-17, Winnebago

Views: 1892

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This one in Fla. is $800.

Just put down some plywood and pitch a tent. Going down the road it'll be a Motorhome experience with a motorcycle feel!

... or for that 2 doors convertible jeep experience :)

Wow, plenty of fresh air while traveling. Convertible model?

Wow. I got a Coachman like that for the engine a year or so ago. Had the 440-3 in it. I guess if I was a metal fabricator you could have some fun with this one....like the shuttle pic I loaded up.

Maybe Wonder Woman needs a motor home to match her plane? Imagine the looks you'd get pulling into the local campground.....


The person with the Winnie emailed and texted me back today. I'm going to set up a time to view it on Monday afternoon once I'm out of work down there.



I thought you were doing this NEXT Sunday not this one! I just got these messages and have texted Sam, the owner to let him know you're coming. He lives nearby.


Yeah, I knew that would be a bummer. It was more to expose you to the sellers. Take notice of the posted dates.

The good thing about it is that it gives time to think about other options. I was actually thinking of either going really vintage or going with good fuel economy. I started to look at the second option. I'm going to start a second topic about that.




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