Lights up quick but after a minute or sometimes a couple it shuts the gas off. I replaced the thermocoupler and it still does it. I see that I can order a replacement control box for around a hundred bucks. The burner is clean and the flame is pretty blue. 

My question it ........ Is this the right move or should I just suck it up and take it to the RV shop ? 

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Hi Phillip,

From what you described with a pretty blue flame, and what I've read from others, it would be my guess that the problem is in the control panel. You could take it to a service shop, but the may just tell you that the control panel needs replaced. Extra bucks $$$. If your control panel hasn't ever been replaced, I don't think that you could go wrong replacing it.

That's just my opinion, and you know what they say about opinions.


Sounds like Alan Croy was on the same page as I was.. Sounds like your control panel is your problem.

You were on the right track with the thermal coupler, and if that didnt do the trick,, the control panel is next in line. But to add a couple cents worth,, Where the thermalcouple connects to the gas control valve,, make sure there is no debri where the end fitting goes in. Its hard to pin point the exact problem but Dometic has several different models and the gas control valve,(which the thermalcouple alows to open) are located in several different places, sometimes alone by itself or integrated with a control panel. I have come across the same problem your explaining and have had to replace either set up,,, either the gas valve OR the control panel.

My gas control valve is by it's self right before the burner. I think. It also has the small manuel shut off valve on it. There is some yellow residue around it. I am thinking it's just becauce of it's close proximity to the burner. I'll make sure the gas port is clean but the flame seems to be good. All blue and all. The manual says to soak it in alcohol . 

You can have the control board tested. I had a similar problem with my furnace last fall. they tested the board and it was bad. Because parts for my old furnace are hard to find it was cost effective to go this route instead of guessing and replacing good parts. Also I wonder if you might try to re adjust your thermocoupler a little closer to the flame and see if that will remedy the situation.. Good luck Phillip.

Rich. I did try adjusting the thermocoupler one slot ( slots on the burner ) closer and one slot farther away. It was always at least covering the first two slots.  I found the replacement board on amazon sold by Dinosaur Electronics. Micro -711 Dometic control board  $108.66 free shipping. I have been able to find everything I need through amazon. I even found the control board for my Kohlor Generator on it . I want to fill my propane tank up and try the new thermacoupler again because I was running out of gas while I was testing it and did not realize it. DUH.....  Then I think I will order the new board. 

low propane could be the smoking gun Phillip, If not Dinosaur Electronics is a good resource I bought a spare fan relay from them and it looks to be of very high quality. And where would we be with out Amazon LOL? Anyway it sounds like you have a good handle on your situation. good on you for that.   

Did you test the new thermocouple?  There are instructions on the net.

Good Luck,





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