I just joined. We're doing something a little different. I've always had truck camper's , except for one time we had a tag along. Got two questions for you. One, when I signed up I noticed there was no spot to list a truck camper as type of RV you might have. Was an oversight or is that the general tone of this group. Two, I also have an old sailboat, and I also know of a publication called Good Old Boat, and the OC use the same tagline, "boats for the rest of us." Now that raises the question why these two organizations connected? By the way, the people of Good Old Boat a very nice.

As far as my old RV is concerned  it's an early 1970 11.2 Dreamer camper, built in Southern California during the heyday of truck camper's . Dreamer was a famous company.  They built truck campers for the beach and surfers . This camper has no heater or air conditioner, as you don't need them on the beach. I know a very small group of people interested in restoring truck campers. However, they hold very strong place in RV history in this country.  Most of them are  long gone due to leaking roofs.  This particular camper spent almost the last 37 years in southern Arizona. Which is the only reason why it still survives . My profile photo shows a  1969 11 foot Dreamer .You will note has an old-style striped pattern common in the 1960s . I'm hoping to repaint mine to that pattern . Anyway, if is anyone on this list who also is restoring, or, is thinking about restoring an old truck camper let me know. Thanks

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Chris- we haven't gotten there yet- but are coming to the conclusion that a truck (of appro. age) and a camper with it would be great if we could tow our Streamline. It's 3000 lbs so its smaller- 19Ft in total but to have the extra room so my son and friends don't sleep in my Xterra would be neat. We've been looking at 68/69 trucks- seems like C-10s are well respected to be redone. Then adding. I must admit I like step sides too so we might end up with only a shell rather than a camper . We saw a wonderful one in Old Town Temecula CA- at the rod run. Owned by the nephew of the original owner who had passed. He kept it "as is". It was "remodeled"- ie; had side boxes for mining and photo supplies and a chuck wagon feel. Had original paint- I loved it. I'm sure it could tell many stories! Anyway- keep us up with photos we love to see how all are doing with projects and yours would be interesting! and Welcome!

I am glad they added truck campers as a category. Here is mine

[IMG]http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f153/captjacsstrumpet/2012-05-31_...[/IMG] It was stored for most of 40 years so is in fairly decent shape but we do need to do repairs and updates.

That is outstanding! What did you say the make was? Looks like an 11 footer with full bath, late 1960's? Chris

It is a 1971 Cobra Metropolitan yes 11 foot.




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