I know there have been lots of posts on roof sealant, but I have what I think is kind of a unique situation.

I used Liquid Roof in the Spring on my roof. It did a great job in sealing around the vents, seams, etc. Unfortunately, water is once again pouring into my RV at the fridge vent. Upon closer inspection, it's the mounting points for the luggage rack. They're loose and the Liquid Roof can only flex so much before it allows the water to run in through the screw holes.

I did put bigger bolts in some spots to secure it better, but after doing a few of them I wondered if it was really a good idea to make more holes so I stopped.

I can only think of 3 options at this point:

1) Bolt the rest of the mounting pads down and reseal with Liquid Roof

2) Remove the luggage rack completely and seal the holes

3) Use some other type of sealant

With regard to #3, how tolerant is Dicor tape to movement? The issue is that the mounting pads for the luggage rack aren't secured to the roof as well as they once were. This causes the pad to move around, but also when you step on the roof the aluminum sheathing separates from the mounting pad causing a gap.

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To be clear - water is entering the fridge vent after finding its way from the luggage rack mounts to the vent. It's not the vent itself.

Take the screws out put a sealant in the screw hole and screw it back in each hole once the sealant drys coat the screws with the roof sealant that's what I Did on mine and it has worked just fine.

When I done my roof Jim, I removed the screws and cleaned under the mounts and the mount areas off with acetone then replaced butyl tape under all the mounts and reattached. After that I used self leveling Dicor over the top. It has worked well so far. I had it in the back of my mind that if I have to do it again i'll use some type of epoxy between the mounts and roof to keep them from vibrating loose over time. I think Eternabond would work better than the butyl tape as well but, I was done with the job before I learned about it. I just hate it when a repair fails and hope you find a good solution for your situation.

I like riches approach. The dicor self leveling or the non-sag is 100% compatible with the liquid roof. I thought I already posted on this..hehe. Unless the mounts are 100% secure though, it is an exercise in futility. Bigger bolts if rigid. A plate piece of metal larger in area than rack mount to gain fresh material to mount to. If you cant get a good mount, pull rack and eterna bond mount locations or something.

Thanks all for the replies. I think David is right - no matter what I use for sealant, it's futile if those mounts are loose. And some of them are. I've already applied copious amounts of Liquid roof to each and every mount. There are two that are suspect near the fridge vent - they're really loose. I guess I need to finish the job of securing it with bigger mounting screws. Then I'll use Eternabond or Dicor tape over it. I don't want to remove it at this point because the mounting points that I did secure are holding well.

I have the heat cranked up to try to dry it out. Might be a good opportunity to hack the carpet out and get going on the Allure tile installation.....




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