I have been surfing the web and i still have gotten a lot of different answers as to what vintage is.  I live in a 1980 Holiday Rambler Imperial 35ft motor-home.  Now its around 34 years old. Is that considered vintage or does it have to be older. Thanks for the help on this question.

Tags: old, vintage

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I'm with you, Bruce. This is kind of a delicate subject, since everyone tends to favor what they own, and might be offended when others might not see it the same way. Perhaps the way to handle it would be to break down vehicles into various categories, depending on the decade in which they were built - not their constantly changing age, since that is completely subjective.

I think that I'd categorize our rides this way:

Two major divisions: Towed and Motorized. Under Towed, I'd break it down into hard shell and pop-ups. Under motorized I'd break it down into Classes A, Super B, B and C.

Up to 1930

1931 - 1940






At this point in time, anything later is essentially modern and the owners would need to wait a while. (Even though it seems to me that 1990 is too new to be included)


Looks to me like I am a member in the wrong RV website. I definitely enjoy traveling in my 1995 class A and take great pride in my ability to customize/update and repair it myself. I have developed a great deal of understanding of all of the systems on classic, vintage, pre-historic, and modern RVs (whatever you want to call them). My first experience RVing was with my family in a 1973 21' Roadrunner trailer towed by a 1976 Jeep Wagoneer to Vancouver Island, Canada. I have been in love with RVing ever since. I appreciate the ammount of love, care, financial investment and time invested in restoring a decrepit RV to a better than new thing of beauty but, as I suspect like most of the members of this website, I will never have the time or money to perform such a feat. I myself am proud to maintain a 20 year old RV and improve it a I have time to an can afford. It would be self serving for me to say we place too much emphaysis on the label and not enough on the pride of ownership of an RV we have had a hand in maintaining and improving, but there I go..I just said it. Sorry for shaking up the conversation but I think as many things in life we get too hung up on the label and not in the accomplishment.



Hi Ed,You are definitely welcome here.I'm glad your a member of Good Old RV's.

Not looking to make waves, there is plenty of America out there for everyone. The topic was what is "vintage", and as someone with 10 trailers over 50 years old, I was just giving my opinion. 

The definition of "vintage" isn't nearly as important as the quality of the people on a site. I like this place, no matter what my RV qualifies as.

Well said Jim.





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