Bruce Booher
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  • jim and penny booher
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Bruce Booher's Discussions

Stripping paint.
2 Replies

I made a big mistake on repainting my Deville, and I am stripping paint now. There is lots of debate on what stripper to use, and I WON'T get into that, use what you want to use. BUT, I think I have…Continue

Tags: stripping RV paint, paint stripper

Started this discussion. Last reply by Bruce Booher Oct 13, 2014.


Bruce Booher's Page

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Part Time RVer
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Sacramento CA
Tell us a little About Yourself
60 year old general contractor who loves old things
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Bruce Booher's Blog

1961 Holiday House

We just came in from a day of work on the H.H. Our floor was shot so taking it out was more a matter of sweeping up rot, pulling nails, sweeping rat crap, and figuring out how the thing was put together. Unlike other trailers we have worked on where the entire floor is built and finished, and the walls built on top of that floor the HH is different. The floor is independent of the walls. The whole system is different. Directly on top of the angle iron and channel iron frame is a flat…


Posted on January 24, 2015 at 9:54pm

1961 Holiday House

I was waiting for it to warm a bit before we went out to work on the Holiday House and I saw this invitation to start a blog. At 62, computers in general, and "new media" in particular are as foreign to me as a foreign language. I have never blogged, or journaled and anything that took time or effort on the computer. As a general contractor by trade, I feel much more comfortable doing the work than talking about it. But what the heck, why not give it a try? 

The story of the Holiday…


Posted on January 22, 2015 at 12:00pm

Dealing with the arttic polar vortex

The reason the rest of the country is covered in snow is because a high pressure ridge is sending all the west coast moisture up to the arctic, freezing it,  and dumping it back down on the mid-west and east coast. So, the best place to store a RV right now is outside, where nothing changes day after day.

The problem is there will be no water in the lakes or rivers we camp at, fires will burn our forests, and increased water rates will use up our camping money.

Other than that,…


Posted on March 3, 2014 at 1:25pm

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At 9:28pm on December 5, 2013, jim and penny booher said…

i know what you mean , i got a fever and only birch paneling and aluminum siding can cure it hahaha! there are Boohers spread all over  this country ,my great great aunt had documents going back to the early 1800s . my relatives came from Pennsylvania to Kentucky

At 9:39pm on December 2, 2013, jim and penny booher said…

hey Bruce, Jim here i am located in Indiana north of Indianapolis




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Furnace Igniter 2 Replies

Started by Dean Benoy in RV Repair & Maintence. Last reply by Dean Benoy Feb 4.

Blog Posts

Skyline Group

Posted by robert & diane creech on November 23, 2024 at 6:30am

1970 Prototype Revcon 240 Needs a new home

Posted by Bonnie Weir on July 13, 2024 at 2:55pm — 2 Comments

1973 Dodge Hall GTC

Posted by Alfonso Vilches on July 7, 2023 at 8:18pm

Parts for a 1978 Allegro Motorhome

Posted by Ellen (Ellie) Rice on December 9, 2022 at 6:24pm — 1 Comment

Wanted side lights

Posted by David & Misty Preciado on June 10, 2022 at 6:18pm — 2 Comments



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