With the Texas sun,,baking,cooking and frying anything thats exposed, I have tinted all my windows, to reduce some of the heat coming inside.

All well and good, but the 40% tint factor still allows for a fair amount of heat to come in. Several of my neighbors have used good ole fashioned Tin foil on their windows.(Adds the high class factor in the RV park,)

I dont use tin foil, because it GETS HOT,, to bad cookies cant be baked verically. At our local Dollar tree and Dollar stores they have an abundance of car window shades for a dollar, (The type you open up and place on the inside of your windshield). I cut to fit these to my windows and they work like a champ,, and can be removed easily when you want to look outside of have a window open. I use those velcro squares ,,again from the dollar store to hold the covers in place. The heat is deflected and the inside stays cool,, So I cant vetically bake cookies on the windows no more.. This is just another tip I would pass down to others who are in the sun belt and want to reduce heat in their RVs during the hot days.

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Great idea. Cheaper than buying a roll of Reflectex. Probably the same stuff.

I forgot to add,,, the roof a/c unit is exposed to a lot of that baking sun heat, and I took a shade and made a top cover to go over the top of the a/c cover,, and with a thermal temp gun, it reduced the heat by 12 degrees, after being on there for about 20 minutes. Only the very top of the a/c cover was covered and not the sides or the vents. (I had excess and decided to give it a try and see if it did anything). Ya never know if something is going to work unless ya try,,,Right?  I tried to convince the better half of me doing the whole roof with the sun shade covering and I got the raised eyebrow. Maybe a little more research is in order.

Another great idea!! Actually Pippi Peterson on YouTube did her whole roof while she was in Florida. I didn't find the video and don't know what her results were. But it had to do something good.
Pippi used large bubble wrap type stuff that had a reflective material on one side. It reduced the temperature inside her MH by 30 degrees. It worked till a storm took down.
Yes, Reflectics or a similar name. But I had forgotten about the storm. We have some of that too. We bought it when we made a feral cat shelter out of two sizes of Rubbermaid containers with the shiny stuff inside. But Buster never used it and wouldn't let us catch him until about a month ago when a mother raccoon attacked him and injured him pretty bad. Now he is in our menagerie, neutered, all fixed up and vaccinated and lives indoors very happily with our two other cats and three dogs.
It would be about $160 to do a 25' RV plus any attaching material. But 30% sounds good.
Reflectix BP24025 24-Inch by 25-Feet Bubble Pack Insulation https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0022NH3E4/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_tai_9p8EzbVW2JJJQ

Great idea Lakota!

I'll add this....
Mylar is not real expensive and can be cut to fit, it's thicker than the emergency blankets that are cheap as chips at wally world. That stuffs tears pretty easily, but reflects well.
The mylar comes in a reflective side with black on the reverse, or you can get it with white on the reverse side.
Just another idea besides crinkly tin foil. LOL




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