As some of you know, I moved back in December to a new house. The driveway is really steep and almost 500 feet long. When I get up top, there's not any room to turn the Allegro around to get it facing back down (assuming it makes it up!). So it's been at my old place, which my brother has been renting. Well he wants it out of there and I don't blame him.

So I will be moving it to my dad's which is about half-way to my new house. My dad really doesn't want it there but he's being cool about it. Friday will be the first time the thing has moved since about January. I've got NASCAR coming up in a few weeks and I need to de-winterize it and get it ready. And then Hershey the end of June. I feel bad having neglected it but it's tough with it being 10-miles away.

I need to put together a plan to get it to the new place soon! 

Long story short, the RV season is upon us (or at least those of us that wimp out in the winter). I look forward to pics and stories from other Allegro owners and Goodoldrv'ers.

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I have yet to dewinterize Gone and she sits literally 50' feet from my door.. though I drove her the 2.5 hrs from Jersey to MD a couple weeks ago.. still need to drain the pink stuff, flush the lines, oil and filter change,  grease fittings..  and restock non-perishables.   And if it would stop raining long enough.. I'd have gotten to that already... parked on grass.. crawling around under her no not an option at the moment.

As for hills.. one time out of Jimco's to Cleveland the stupid Magellan GPS put us on every one lane road it could vs the 2 turns it shoudl have been to highway. We ended up on some road which went through an abandoned ski resort...  Down the hill was brakes and downshifting to first to avoid burning brakes up.. at the base the down to up was so abrupt I though we would scrape tail... I had the pedal all the way to the floor, saying I think I can I know I can I think I can I know I can.... as we literally crawled up the hill...  didn't overheat but she was happier once at speed air went flowing through and over. 

I had a similar experience when my navigation tried to get me back onto Rt. 78 somewhere near Rt. 84 in PA. I didn't know it at the time, but the radiator was plugged solid with rust from the "new" engine I put in it. It was already running warm when the nav took me through a state park. The long, winding hill I had to climb was ridiculous but I had long passed the point of no return when things got sketchy. It got REALLY hot and I had it in first gear with the pedal to the floor and it was going 20 MPH. When I finally crested the top there were campers staring at me incredulously. Of course what goes up must come down, so I had the same ridiculous, windy path down the other side. 1st gear most of the way to keep the brakes from overheating and trying to move as much water through the block as possible. That was the last trip with that clogged radiator!

Got it to my dad's. Brakes were locked up at first but they loosened up after I moved it a bit. I forgot how much fun - and what a spectacle - the thing is.

Finally got the Allegro to the new house. It scraped a bit coming off the street and up the drive, but just on the very edge of the left rear part of the rear bumper. A different approach angle would fix that, or more air in the bags. It's super tight turning around up top but I did it. With some more practice it won't be so nerve wracking! I'm really glad it's home!

Grabbed video off of one of my surveillance cameras. She may be 32-years-old but I think the Allegros have a really classic look about them. And I never get tired of listening to that 454.




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