We have a 1986 and I am needing to know the max limit on a 23'. No paperwork as we bought this used this spring.I have tried to research and I got a guestimate of 12,000 lb , had to have to get it inspected. Does that include the tow bar, passengers and what else? Thanks, any help appreciated
Maintenance and service manual for p-30 attached.. may help
I can't see where a p-30 manual is attached. Can you please try again, or tell me where I can find one for this model. Thanks so much!
Looks like Tina's attachment didn't work. I don't see it as well. Martha, please check out the Manuals Tab at the top of any page. Let me know if you need any help.
Thanks Jim, I guess I sent my reply to your inbox. I couldn't find one, so will wait for Tina to send again. Martha
its an 18MB file.. so I'll send it to Jim to upload on here as well as my onan manual etc... via email or PM me your email... my manual covers 73-94... p30
Sent you a Pm Cristina. Thanks
I downloaded it but still couldn't find the max weigh limit on the P-30 file, so just going with what the man at Tiffin told us he thought it was. Right now, not doing anything else to it, as we have been really busy, but getting back to it soon. Just a few small things left to do so hoping we get to take it on the road before fall. Thanks so much for this wonderful group, a very nice group of people!!! Love being part of it!!
Wow! How is that Chevy 454-powered Allegro doing among all those Fords? I spy a drop top Fox body in the background, too. I had one of those - still miss it!
Yes, it seems to be doing good so far since my son rebuilt carburetor last month. Tested it by driving around hour and half to make sure that it road worthy. Going to take it to track and camp out on Friday night as my son will be running on Saturday. Both my son's have mustangs all convertibles,youngest son has 2, one he built for the track!!
Sweet! Mine was an '88 GT convertible, in blue as well. I swapped out the white top and white interior for a black top and black interior out of a "Feature Car" (some called them Pony cars because of the embroidered Pony on the headrests). Mine was supercharged, but it looks like your son has turbocharged his looking at the grille and exhaust out the front fascia.
Thank you Jim! His( The blue one) had a white top, but he dyed it black and the interior was already black. This is is baby and he is always doing something to it to stabilize it! He uses nitrious when he races but I am am pretty sure it is supercharged also.
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