
A place to share information about and to get help with your Tiffin Allegro and its P-30 Chevy chassis. I'm amazed at the seemingly infinite combinations of floor plans throughout the years. 

P30 Rear Shock Mount

Hi all! It's been a while since I've dropped by. I hope everyone is doing well.

I'm gearing up for the first trip out to NASCAR next weekend and have a long list of small stuff to fix before then. First is replacing the rear shocks. The left rear was snapped off at the mount up on the frame. By the looks of where it was beating the underside of the rig, it's been like that for a long time.

Luckily I was able to remove the remnants of whatever the top of the shock is supposed to slide onto. It looks like it might have been a stud, or maybe just a plain old bolt? What came out was a nut threaded onto what's left of a bolt, which was threaded into the frame mount. Does anyone know what actually should be there? Is it just a bolt? The other side appears to be just a bolt which I'm skeptical of.


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    Philip Wolsonovich

    Hi Jim, everything I've seen seems to point to a stud For the rear shocks.
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      Philip Wolsonovich

      Hi Jim, did you ever get your rear shock issue resolved? If not I just changed mine and there is a support bracket attached to the frame with the stud mouted through it. If you would like I can get some pics and send them to you.