Michael Katz
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You And RVing
Part Time RVer, Dry Camper
City and State where you are located. Do not use zip code, you know what it means but it means nothing to the rest of us.
Santa Monica, CA
Tell us a little About Yourself
I'm a retired Film and TV Lighting Gaffer, having made nearly forty movies, three full seasons of a television cop drama, dozens of documentaries,, hundreds of music clips, and thousands of commercials.
As did my wife, I started tent camping as a child in the national parks and forests. In the early 1970s, before we started a family, I bought my first canned ham, a 1960 in perfect condition. (It was only 12 years old.) Since then I have owned dozens of what are now called vintage trailers. We love riveted aluminum airframe trailer construction. We especially appreciate the buttery warm birchwood interior of our big '56 Spartan 8 x 50'. But our little camper, a '55 Airlight 15' is a great traveler. We have camped in her throughout the western states, using a car as a tow vehicle.

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At 9:06pm on June 20, 2011, Craig & Lisa said…

Ok I am not going to lie Michael, I am jealous of your camp site and your camper. Both look great!


At 5:36pm on March 19, 2011, Helen Waddell said…
Thanks Michael!  I'd love to join that group!  You've certainly been doing a lot of traveling!  I've been to England, Germany, Phillipines....military family.  Used to go to Colorado every year by myself to fly fish until my Dad got sick, never picked it up again after he passed, though.  The fishing and hiking are two activities that got me thinking about a travel trailer, I used to enjoy both and now plan to get back into them.  I don't usually get lonely, Michael, I don't have time for it! LOL.  I can be happy visiting with people or on my own.  Oh, gotta' go.  Ta!  Helen 
At 1:57am on March 19, 2011, Helen Waddell said…
I can't believe I misspelled "exhaUsted".......!  I've got to stop proofing everything, good grief!!  I even do the red circle thing in the newspapers. aargh.  h
At 1:53am on March 19, 2011, Helen Waddell said…

I know what you mean, Michael, sometimes I'm feeling so exhasted I go to bed about 8PM, but then I'm up at 2AM.  And right now there's so much buzzing around in my head that I can't sleep....it's 12:45AM here, just looked at the clock!  What have I accomplished?  Oh! I did good, printed out the info you sent.  LOL. And I have everything written down in TWO places....two notebooks full already. 

Since I haven't found my trailer yet....and the prices seem to be going up with every breath I take.....I've been decluttering ruthlessly. 

Well, I don't know if I'll be able to afford having the internet, might interfere with my fly fishing! ha!  I was thinking of it mainly as a link to workamping anyway but I'll see how it goes. 

Ok, pal, I'm off to bed. Ta, Helen

At 10:02pm on March 18, 2011, Helen Waddell said…

Well, your trailer is gorgeous!  I'm envious!  The layout is so perfect!  So, do you have a housekeeper come in or did you just "spiff up" for the photos?! LOL....just kidding. 

Tell me....when you have time....how do you have your laptop set up?  I mean, how difficult is it?  Is it expensive? Do you ever have connection problems?  etc.  Hope I'm not bugging you, I just try to get all the information I can written down so I can go over it and make decisions.  thanks, Helen

At 12:17am on February 21, 2011, Helen Waddell said…
Thanks so much for your email, Michael!  I haven't ever driven a bus, I have pulled a trailer full of dirt though and try not to think about that experience too much.  I was thinking of a motorhome mainly because 1) I have dogs to go along, 2) I figured I might invest in a scooter or bike later on for quick trips, and 3) thought it might be easier to set up.  Your Airlight is gorgeous, about the right amount of inside space too.  Right now I'm just writing down everything I "hear".  Decision time is much later, though I've got a neighbor who said he'd start looking around for me.   Thanks again, Helen 



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