Full Timer Insurance for Older RV's.....

Okay, we're full-timers in a '79 Winnebago and almost NO ONE offers personal property / homeowners insurance for it.

Best we found was through Good Sam but only one out of their 5 companies will even insure such an old rig.

NOTE - THIS IS NOT FOR VEHICLE INSURANCE - this is for all of our personal stuff  - IN the rig.  Usually considered "renters insurance".

We already have business insurance and liability on the rig and trailer and business property.

Does anyone have any luck with property insurance in their RV's?

Views: 2927

Tags: full, full-timers, insurance, property, timers


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Comment by Dale and Lynne Park on December 16, 2013 at 5:47pm

Just answered a survey about this on Tin Can Tourists a week or so ago.  It seems that Hagerty - they insure classic cars and such - are considering offering full coverage insurance to folks with vintage RVs.  They are gathering information via the surveys.  It would certainly involve an inspection and pre-arranged "value" of your rig and they also mentioned covering personal belongings.  We used to have some classic cars insured with them and they seem quite reputable.  We would certainly be interested, I will try to keep up with the situation.

Comment by Lakota Wolf on November 19, 2013 at 9:01pm

Federal law standarizes an RV as just that,  recreational purpose. Allstate insures for occupency for up to six months at a time, covering the rig and its contents. But under a federal law, which some states abide to while others don't, an RV is Not a permenant residence, (plus its concidered MOBILE and not fixed.).

Insurance compaines call RV's high risk, due to the fact they are Mobile, and are not built to same specs as a home or apartment. They are also high risk due to smaller living area and very little time given to exit if a fire erupts. I use a home address for my RV insurance including insurance on extra possesions (which can include a storage unit rental).



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