1988 Dolphin - Painting Walls and Refinishing the Cabinets

The first thing I decided to tackle inside was washing everything down and begin by painting the walls to get rid of the dated wall paper. We went with olive and chocolate brown as our colors. This way I could do a Tuscan theme, but still have colors that would be camping/dog friendly. We have two black labs, so no light pastel colors for us, I wanted it to be dog & man friendly for my husband.


The insides of all the cabinets were painted the same color as the walls, a soft beige, covering up the wall paper in there also.  Here are my before and after shots of the inside on one of the 21 cabinets.


One of the bathroom cabinets Before:


The outsides of all the cabinets were done in olive to bring some color in. I used the Rust-Oleum Transformations cabinet coating kit. I purchased them at home depot (cheapest price) and we are really happy with the results. You have the option of just using the color (which we did) or add a glaze coating for a more vintage look. I refinished all the cabinets with 2 kits @ $75 each. But I also purchased a 3rd kit to have available in case I decided to add additional features as I went along. In the photo below, you'll also see those older handles. Initially we were going to refurbish them, but each handle when un screwed was 3 pieces and a pain. So we decided to just put on all new hardware in a brushed satin nickel.


Here is a before, then some after shots:

Here's how the cabinets looked, very dull in some places, satiny in others, just a mixture.


the Process:

1. the kit comes with a de-shiner mix. So step one was to wipe all cabinets down to de shine any glossy areas.

2. I put a layer of tinted primer down.

3. I painted 2 coats of the olive paint.

4. I painted 2 costs of satin gloss top coat.

5. Reinstalled the doors while adding all new hardware.

Total cost to refurbished 21 cabinets/doors $150 (2 RustOleum kits) $20 for a gallon of tinted Primer

Total cost to replace all mounting brackets and handles on the 21 cabinets/doors $120

I still have one RustOleum kit left which will be used for the new office space cabinets.

I'll post completely finished photos when we get that far.

Up Next:

Now my husbands Painting Responsibilies - The Outside



Views: 233

Tags: 1988, A, Rustoleum, cabinets, class, diy, dolphin, figerglass, painting, refinishing, More…remodel, rennovation, transformation, upcycle, upgrade


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Comment by David Hobson on March 16, 2014 at 10:33am
I like the look. I have a 1987 Dolphin I am planning to do the same thing to. Thanks for the info.
Comment by Joe and April Skidmore on March 15, 2014 at 12:20pm

Looks great!! 



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