Have had a productive useless Day. Started off,waking up on the wrong side of the floor,again,,,. Stumble into the bathroom, to start the day off hopefully better,,, started off, fairly well, till I turned around and decided to brush a tooth or two,(I guess thats why they call it a TOOTH BRUSH, instead of a teeth brush), So any who,, I slather on a huge pea sized dollop of teeth paste,(lol) and then drop the Tooth brush, thud into the sink,,,  Not just into the sink and slide around,, But INTO the sink,

(Picture a whaling Harpoon being launched out of a harpoon cannon).

A 1.2 oz tooth brush, pierced the bowl of the sink,, clean up to the bristles. I oddly look at the predictament, then glance at the mirror,, scaring the hell out of myself with the wild man hair thing going on.Then back down into the sink. I have never in my life have seen a tooth brush (handle) harpoon a sink like that. (BTW, the dollop of paste stayed fully intact). I carefully grab the sides of the tooth brush head, avoiding that cute dollop, and pull the toothbrush up out of the pierced hole and a section of the sink comes up with it, and a few pieces crumble off and fall into the abyss of the lower cabinet.

Now nothing can get any worse then that.. I try to see the humor in it and put the toothbrush in my mouth to brush a TOOTH,,and realize,, DRY,,, very very dry,,,, need water,, so I turn the water on to wet the brush,, UGGGGGGGG... Theres a hole in the sink ya big dummy,, as I watch the water run into the cabinet. Just what I need,, clean up a nice flood under the sink,, and probably throw out a roll or two of tissue paper.. (makes mental note,, store toilet tissue on higher shelf away from a water source)., I end up brushing teeth using the shower nozzle,,, hey I had to be creative,,, was almost like a water pic., Plus I washed my face,, major bonus. I dry off and inspect the hole which is approx 3 inches around, I fiddle with the cracked edges and it crumbles even more.Thats it,,, make it bigger,,,  ya big dummy,, trying to do my best Sanford and Sons impression. Light bulb goes off above my head for a temp quick fix,, Metal reinforced Aluminum ducting tape, Tear off several short strips, (actually using scissors to cut the stuff,,Its a pain to tear). I *patch the hole and pat myself on the back for a job well done.I run a little water to double check my handy work,,  yup,, works just the gov, would want it to,, Just barley pass inspection and codes. I head to the kitchen to get myself a cup of coffee to celebrate my victorious repair, I pour a cup,, and take a nice swig, and spit it out,,, Yuck,,,,, COLD COFFEE.... Thats a victory of Defeat. This day is not going very well, I nuke the coffee in the micro,, and ding,, its done,,Now its TO hot to even sip,,, even the steam thats rolling off the top can singe your eyebrows.I set it down to cool, and decide to wash the 2 dishes in the sink, and realize after running the water a minute or so, that there is NO hot water.. Uggg what now?  I look at the control panel, and the water heater light is on,,, Means pilot light out,, agaiiiiiinnnnn. .Sinse its like 5 a/m,,, everyones still asleep. I go out and around to the back side of the trailer in jammie bottoms and a t shirt, to check the water heater,, Makes another mental note,,, WEAR SHOES when walking on gravel. I open up the heater door and yup.. its off,,, I unplug the 12 V power wire, and plug it back in,,, click,click,click,click,,, Whoooooooooosh,,, it lights, I scramble back over the rocks and go back inside and figure by the time I drink my cooled down scortching coffee, I will have plenty of hot water to finish washing the 2 dishes. I take a couple sips and decide to brew a fresh pot of coffee,,, I pour the old stuff out,, refill the decanter and fill the coffee resivour,, empty out the old filter and grounds,, close the lid and click the coffee maker on. I sit and finish my coffee,, and look at the coffee maker to see how much longer till I can get a fresh cup... DUHHH with another DUHHHH,,, That is the clearest coffee I have ever seen.. meaning,, I forgot to add new filter and coffee grounds,,,, but hey, I have clean hot water.. Tea maybe?  Uggg, I empty it all out,, refill with fresh water and this time, I add a new filter with fresh coffee grounds, and redo the process all over again... F.Y.I... Coffee does NOT brew faster if you watch it.

Ok, here it is, 7:00 a/m,,, I wonder what else the day has for me?

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Comment by Dawn Michelle on March 12, 2017 at 12:28pm

As always, your post has me in stitches and tears.  It sure makes laughing at my own troubles, and my own doh! moments so much easier.  

Comment by Rich Thomas on March 10, 2017 at 11:25pm

It's a good thing you didn't drop that teeth brush in the coffee pot; your day would have been really messed up !



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