Carbs..and Paint...and Gas...Oh My!

I don't think I like the direction my garage contents are going.  It's starting to look waaaaay too much like a mechanics' cave.  When there is a torn apart carburetor in the middle of the room, and dirty grimey rags everywhere, the smell of gas despite draining it before bringing it in...grease tracks on the floor, all kinds of cans of cleaners and lube sprays here and there,...and should I mention the mower deck torn apart on the other side of that? I s'pect next year I'll have a full engine hanging on a hook and chain from a strong tree limb in the middle of the yard, maybe even a 50 gallon barrel full of water and a nice oil slick on top, with a small boat engine that needs repair attached to it. (images from my childhood are running rampant here lately)  LOL

So, here's the carburetor off and ready for the cleaning. This thing has major build up on it, but it can be cleaned.  My brother helped in getting it removed, and we tested the float. It was definitely sticking, so there is the problem.  He gave it a few shots of Carb/Choke cleaner and worked it a bit. Seems to be working fine now. But this thing still needs cleaned...bad. I have a couple of wood skewers in the jet holes temporarily so I don't get any gunk in them while I decide the best soaking method for the first round of grime.

As soon as I get it cleaned off enough to see some numbers, I'll look up this model and see what a rebuild kit costs.

On to the inside of the RV...the counter.  I did the faux granite paint experiment, everything was going lovely until I tried to incorporate some greens.  It was awful.  Soooooo, I painted over the whole thing again with a dark base color, and stuck with the bronze and gold tones. I'm just not going to get that to blend into the materials I chose for recovering the upholstery. Two separate areas, on the color schemes now, The kitchen and the living area.  I really liked the bronze/golds, but I wanted some kind of lighter tone to it, so I did the white in there again.  Not sure about that, so please look at the two styles and let me know which one you like better, with the whiteish or without. I toned down the white quite a bit by dabbing some mahogany wood stain on it with the sponge.  It was way too bright before that. Don't be asceert of saying you don't like it at all. Won't hurt my feelings, this is still in the experiment stage. Nothing is permanent until that polyurethane goes on there.

I may very well wind up starting over. LOL

Here's what it's like tonight, before any top coating of glossy polyurethane, which should help give it a nice depth:

Without the whitish:

That's where things are at today. I've been really busy with other issues that need fixing here, everything breaks at once...always. LOL Hope the weekend has been kind to you all, and again,those in the path of Irma and Jose to come after...please be safe. :)

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Comment by Tina on September 13, 2017 at 9:30am

Thanks Rich! My brother came and got the carb yesterday, said he's going to clean it up. When he brings it back, I'll see how he did with it. If it's not shiny and purty, I'll do it myself. :)

Comment by Rich Thomas on September 12, 2017 at 8:15pm

There is a product called Chem Dip that will make that old Holley look like new. it comes in a gallon can with a strainer basket to hold the parts. If you use it make sure to follow the directions closely though because it can dissolve some rubber and gaskets. It is a very good cleaner and it is reusable. 

Comment by Tina on September 11, 2017 at 11:00am

Here's the numbers off the side of my carb:

Holley R 7870 A 4041578 2156

When I found it online

It shows it to be a model 2210, as I first posted accidentally. Anybody know for sure on this?



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