Lets call it what it really is......RV Age discrimination

Today I called the BBB to discuss with an agent about this RV park age discrimination that goes on here in California RV parks. I was informed that this was a 100% legal practice and free from the ANY discrimination law. After I picked my jaw up from the ground, I remembered what another member of this site told me, she basically enlightened me to the sad fact that RV Age discrimination isn't such an issue unless your in California. After all California is the lawyer capital of the United States, it would make logical sense that California is ground zero. They managed to somehow make this legal and free from discrimination laws. It's written so as to protect a RV park from older RV's breaking down in the park, becoming unable to be removed..GET A GRIP First of all, these lawyers must think us RV loving people must have zippers down our backs. So let me get on my soap box and just say it like it is. I guess I should take this opportunity to warn you that I'm a writer, short and sweet isn't a concept I grasp.

This all started when during a conversation about traveling around Europe, I had made a comparison between the amazing diversity of each of our states. The more I though about what I said, the more I began to realize just how true it really was. Some of our states are as large as countries in Europe. Each state is unique with it own cultures, customs, tradition and even accents just to name a few. I had all of this in my own backyard, so I decided to explore this amazing and wonderful place with all these united states. Quick note, after I was disabled in the line of duty, I decided I had to find a new purpose in life so I went back too school, there I fell head over heels in deep intellectual love with Cultural Anthropology, Archaeology to be exact. I guess you can tell why traveling around is so very exciting for me personally, to wake up and realize It been here all along, talk about a brain fart.

All I needed now was an RV, one which could be modified a bit to accommodate my disability, which was also affordable. I found what I was looking for and the price was right, a 1983 Pace Arrow, that was in need of TLC. This was perfect I could live in it while I customize it be my own, little did I know I was about to be a victim of discrimination. The more places I call the more frustrated I become, oh and people do not like that word discrimination, I keep hearing "We do not discriminate". Even when I called the BBB I was again informed that my use of the word discrimination was incorrect. Well, shall we just take a wee peek at what the definition of discrimination really means, you tell me if I'm using the incorrect word

discrimination means to set apart or single out—to differentiate one from the other.

To set apart (older RV's) To single out (older RV's) To differentiate one (older RV's) from the other (newer RV's) Yeah, I'm using the right word. So what is this really all about? Well, each one of us that own an RV which is over 10 years old are victims of discrimination. If that wasn't enough were also being stereotyped and economically classified. In the last 10 years our economy has suffered greatly, people have had to tighten the belt, and focus on financial security. I ask you in the last 10 years who in the majority of "classes" can afford a new RV? (there are exceptions, but I'm focusing on the mass majority) Allot of the discriminatory RV Parks will let an OLD RV in for a couple of nights, but you can bet your bottom dollar the space you get WILL segregate you from "Them". I went into allot of newer RV parks and I saw the segregation myself, unless your looking for it, which many of us don't were focused more on our trip you might just miss it. If you look really closely you will see the classification of the segregation, which exist in the Older to newer RV's. At first I though maybe it was just at a few of the posh RV resorts (oh yeah lets not forget the Park vs Resort) the more I realized just how wide scale this practice was. Some of the really nice RV Resorts do NOT even allow older RV in even if its overnight.

My fellow "Good Old RV's" this isn't just a rant, it's a wake up call, a call to arms. This has nothing to do with the possibility of an older RV braking down, this is pure and simple discrimination with a twist of good old fashion economic profiling with a dash of stereotyping.

I don't consider myself a veteran, not when things like this are going on, this is NOT equality, fact is it goes against one of the founding documents of this country. If this type of discrimination is allowed, it will create a domino effect, little by little this type of "hidden" discriminatory practices will grow. I know allot of you are thinking, that I might be going a bit far, it's only about older RV's. No, it's not, it's about not allowing any form of discrimination, once you accept and allow it even on the smallest of levels you become desensitized, and soon you just accept it without even thinking.

I thank you for your time, it is appreciated. Sorry but my proofreader fell asleep LOL

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Comment by Pete Peterson on December 21, 2010 at 1:07pm

Hello Kelly, (my kindred spirit).  I am not a writer but I have been known to converse on just about any subject (and this is one of my favorites) a little more than my family cares to listen to at times.  We have a motor home of about the same age (ours is a 1985 Midas) and from what I know they have about the same appearance.  You are right on!  We have seen a little discrimination and it took awhile before we realized what they were doing. (I put you in spot whatever that is away from all our extremely indebted guests)  There is a spot in Deadwood S.D. that tried to put us in the same spot two times.  The first time they stuck us in a spot that was to short for our motor home..good thing that my wife watch the clearance or we would have pushed his fence over the very large drop to the go cart track below.  We thought it was just a mistake, so when we made another trip to Deadwood, we made reservations at the same park.  This time we had our grandson and a view of the go kart track was fine with us, in fact it was a plus.  Well, they attempted to put us in the same 25 foot space again.  I explained to the gentleman (he happened to be the owner), that my 27 foot wont fit in his 25 foot space not to mention a place to park the towed. He gave us a very large corner site, in addition a very small site to park our towed (no extra charge).  All units near the go kart track and other attractions below the park were older units except the few new units that were quite a distance from the noise.  It didn't bother us as we liked being able to look over the edge of the hill and keep an eye on our tween-aged grandson.  We have never been directly turned away but have noticed that they sure like the "birds of a feather parking".  We have had the same thing happen at an Air Force Fam Camp.  The second trip to the Fam Camp I knew the lay of the land so I asked if I could check out the site first, it just happened to be one we wanted.  I haven't tried my latest theory except at the Fam Camp, but I think from now on I will ask to see the site first.  We rarely make reservations so leaving is always an option we can exercise. One thing that we should all keep in mind is that now we have the internet and a forum to expose those idiots that really irritate us.  There is one in Fort Davis Texas, right in the middle of town (it looks like a Ghost Town theme, but actually is just that run down), don't get me started on that JERK but don't stay there either.  Thanks for letting me vent along with you...hang in there brother, the Drive By Tourists  PS. Lots of living history in Montana!

Comment by john (chris) snetselaar on December 20, 2010 at 4:30pm

yes I have owned this bus(and also driven)this ..my baby..sense 06 when I saved her from the scraper..The military usely gets rid of there surplus and a friend of mine got this in a "lump"of crap he bought..he had it for 7 years prior to me buying it off him for 3 grand..He said it runs and he drove it from florida and it ran exelent..Thats all he knew..as soon as I made the "deal"some other friend of his tryed to buy it out from under me for 3500..then 7000..and again for 9000 cash..It is good to know who your dealing with..a shake of the hand dont mean much these days..well for some..Well the windows were shot out and the tires were rotten but I sat in it and could see the miles going by..smiling..he said 9 years it sat..but it was 7..same deisel that got him home from florida..I put a hot battery in it and 2 cranks..(no ether)started with a clammer..the smoke cleared and she has run like a top since..she is a dream boat..shows 492280...mabey a hundred or two 492280..a international harvester "twin" turbo 466 military..a big diffrence that I found out in researching the bus..well to look at her..a little diffrent for some..full size hot tub ..49"lcd..internet and the kitchen I built in the back..I get the weird looks.."ALOT"..but I haven been turned away yet..usely I have something in common with the so calles "nice" campers people..They wish they had the powerhouse I have..I have passed these fancycampers..ha..on grades they are just creaping up trying to not melt there powerplant..I dont over do it..I just can..I have propane injection and also it has incressed my MPG to almost 14..LOADED AND PULLING A TRAILER..and to ed..I am also a disabeld vet and I would not have any other camper in the world..even if I had the money..thanks



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