Hello everyone!  I hope today finds you well!

I am blogging you all in hopes that someone can help me find parts for my 1973 Winnebago Brave or other EARLY to MID 70's WINNEBAGO or other RV.  Please help me if you can! 

Like so many of you, I am continuously working to restore my 1973 Winnebago Brave and need some help locating some parts. 

I have attached two photos; the first photo shows two different rear view mirror housings complete with end caps.  The first set in the picture (already powder coated black) shows the original mirrors and two end-caps from my 1973 Winnebago. 

The second set in the photo shows a mirror complete with end-caps from another early 70's RV - possibly a Winnebago.  

Unfortunately, when trying to repair a small hole in one of the END CAPS from my original set, I melted it!  I then had a good friend set me up with the second set (sand blasted, but not yet sent to powder coating).  When I got this second set back from sand blast, I found that one of the housings had significant rust.  When I tried to braze the damaged back or housing, it also melted.  Seems I keep torching my own RRRV!  ARRRR!

So, what I have now is two incomplete sets of rear-view mirrors, and like the second photo shows, I need one or both of the pictured damaged parts to make two complete sets.

I am willing to haggle, horse-trade, or purchase the needed parts if someone can help...please see attached photos below, and thanks again for allowing a rogue group such as ours into your respectable community!



Carpenter of the Pirate Ship Drowning Pool ;)

Views: 1049

Tags: Colorado...., Pirates, Vintage Winnebago, Winnebago Parts, in, stranded


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Comment by T.J. on January 10, 2012 at 1:10pm

Holy Cow I didn't realize it has been this long since I read this how ever if your still hunting for mirror parts I found an old pair if your still interested.

Comment by Rob Lentz on December 4, 2011 at 2:08pm

So, if west coast mirrors will work, go to your nearest BIG truck dealer and they will be able to hook you up.

You'll even be able to get them heated and lit, the frames for class 8 truck mirrors are stainless instead of chromed pot metal so once you've mounted them, you'll be done.

 Down here on some parts I look for, I go to the web and look at some of the salvage yards where parts can be had at half on new price.

When researching my old rig I found out the winshields were used out of old GMC astros and Chevy Titans, so it gave me a new avenue to search for stuff.

Good luck.


Comment by T.J. on November 24, 2011 at 12:51pm

Well I'll tell ya, if yah give me a bit I'll try and run down with my camera and get some pic's and the you can decide. Were abouts in Canada do you come? We're half way between Toronto and Detroit.

Comment by Michael Sopchak on November 24, 2011 at 11:25am

 T.J. - Can you tell me which mirrors you have...are they similar to my originals or something else?  My associates and I do travel to Canada on occasion as we work in the scrap industry.  I will continue to look here, but if you are interested in selling the mirrors, and they are the right fit, we might be able to set something up where we could pick them up when in town. 


Comment by T.J. on November 24, 2011 at 11:09am
What ticks me off is I have the mirrors but I live in Canada and there's no way it would be practical to send them to you.
Comment by Michael Sopchak on November 24, 2011 at 10:55am

Thanks T.J. - those would have worked but I was out of town and missed the auction...I appreciate your help still the same!

Comment by T.J. on November 17, 2011 at 6:49pm



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