what to do about not having clear title

I am having a problem getting a title of a 1979 Road Ranger. It is 23 feet long with tongue.  I was given it by my brother as a place to stay while at  a friends place with my support duck.  My friend does not allow her wandering around his house even if she is in a diaper harness.

The first problem with it I ran cross was the electrical plug in was melted.  We replaced that but are still having problems getting the electrical system working.  We know the ac works if directly plugged into the power source and well as the refrigerator.  I had planned to take every thing out and use it to make it into a tiny house.

Health issues have kept me from doing anything more with it but try to keep it out of his weed patch row of used pickups.

I do not want to put money into  it if the owner of the title can claim it when I am done.  I have called his number a bunch of times with no reply in 5 months.  It had changed hands at least twice since he had it with someone trying to put wood boards around the wheel wells to cover some damage there. The bathroom is a total mess with weather getting in because the vent is broken.  The whole ceiling is basically hardly hanging on.  I like the tub/shower unit that I would use in tiny house.

I guess if worse comes to worse I can take all usable parts out of it and use them in my tiny house or 1971 Landmark Aristocrat.  That would mean modifying the Landmark.  I still have to get that one fixed as well. 

On the Landmark the door doesn't close right and there is water damage under the bed by the water tank.  There have been plywood reinforcements done on the bed areas and dining room area to make strong seats and  useful bed spots.

This one I have a signed title on. It is smaller than I really want but have to work with what I got.

The Landmark no longer has a shower unit as someone took it out and made shelves in  it's place. 

Can anyone tell me more about the toilet system in the Landmark? 

Views: 62

Tags: Arstocrat, Ranger, Road


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Comment by Virginia Moe on February 4, 2014 at 10:35am

Thank You Pat and Lakota for your advice.  I have asked my brother to see if  he can get in touch with last  listed owner.  DMV here said it would be best if the owner would file for a lost title. cost $10.  There was a copy of a registration in the trailer. 

The friend whose land the trailers and on is ready to strip the Road Ranger and save the metal, tanks, cabinets, ac unit and any working equipment.  It will be a few months before it is warm enough to work in the trailers. 

Comment by Lakota Wolf on February 3, 2014 at 11:22pm

To file for lost title DMV will give you a form and usually ya get ahold of a Bondsman.. DMV should have a list of them,, The bondsman will secure the paper work for a fee and that way,no one can come in and take the property out from under ya.. Check with your local DMV. hope it works out for you.



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