Recently there was discussion about a 5-year rule.  Seems like campgrounds keep wanting newer and newer rigs while mine gets old and older.

Last winter I found many RV parks in Florida that had a 10-year rule about RV units.  I have a 1996 Class C motorhome that was unacceptable to some before they even saw it.  Some campgrounds would approve it only after they saw it and determined it met their unwritten "standards" whatever they were.  My unit was clean with good paint and no damage so I was allowed to stay up to one week.  Could not find anybody that would rent for a month or the "season".  

Things got a little better when a fellow camper told me that the grille and front end on my  Chevy cutaway van underneath the Gulfstream Class C motorhome was exactly the same from 1996 to 2001 model years.  If I told the campground it was a 2001 model, nobody ever asked for the license and registration...not that I would ever encourage anybody to lie about it!   Same motorhome, just arbitrary 10-year rule that somebody made up to keep out the old rigs regardless of what they looked like. 

Jim Hamilton

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I don't think that trick would work for me...

    I never knew some parks had rules on how old the rv had to be.  Well  I guess they would be too fancy for me. Guess they would really laugh me out with my old 1964 trailer. But thats ok Im sure there are plenty others that are not so high and mighty.  Sounds like they would be too fancy for me.

In the event it was ever even questioned or I had to argue with or convice a capmground owner my rig WAS the correct year for me to stay there, IM NOT INSTRESTED IN GIVING MY MONEY TO AND SUPPORTING SUCH SNOBS IN THE FIRST PLACE.....If I'm NOT wanted there I'm sure not going to beg them to take my money. As private owners they have every right to accept or reject my business, the same as I have the right to NOT stay there. Who would want to stay where their not wanted, sure not me.

Actually Im happy for the high dollar RV parks as they can all sit around and brag about how many hundred thousand their rigs cost and show off their toys so those blowhards arent in the parks I frequent. I reached a level of maturity and self confidence that (Unlike so many) I dont have to impress anyone or keep up with anyone, Im happy with who I am and what I have, life is so simple and relaxing if one adopts that attitude versus having to always try and impress another person......

Nuff said,

A happy and contented old Conservative Fuddy Duddy John T

   My feelings too John!   "A happy and contented Conservative Fuddy Duddy". I like that. Might be a lot more people be happy if they could live that way.   Thanks       Rick

We have never personally run into this as we tend to camp at the smaller "mom and pop" kind of places. Some of which are old and just a little shop worn if you will, without the multitude of activities and attractions that the large, high dollar parks provide. 

I agree that business owners have the right to conduct their businesses as they wish, and understand some of the reasoning behind it. In order to continue to attract the big rigs and the perceived ( whether true or not) bigger spenders, the park has to offer a perception of affluence and exclusivity. They might not want to have my 25 year old camper with its faded and warped siding next to them. Just as I would not want to take my wife out to dinner for a special occasion and drop a hundred dollars at some nice restaurant and have to sit next to some guy in dirty sweat pants burping through his bucket of wings and eighth beer. It all depends on what you consider appropriate or acceptable at the time and place.It is all about our personal freedoms and choices.

I have found that who you want to spend the weekend next to works both ways. I in turn don't enjoy camping next to people who roll their half a million dollar rig into the park, set down the auto levelers, draw the powered curtains shut, snap on the TV or laptop, all but never leave the soft glow of their electronic cocoon, and call it camping.

We all usually end up where we are most comfortable and in the places that draw the people with which we share common values and interests. If some parks turn me away, I probably didn't want to stay there anyway.


I ran into the same thing in Calif with my 69 open road housecar at a lake outside Santa Barbara when I pulled up to the gate to pay my money to go camp for the weekend, the rangers told me to pull over to the side so they could inspect my unit to make sure it was up to par. It seemes that the rangers had never seen such a funny looking camper, but after a short once over and not finding anything wrong they agreed to let me stay but they kept a close eye on me all weekend.




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