I just bought a 2000 shasta 25 ft trailor, weight 4760 empty and could weigh 6200 loaded and I want to tow it with my 2006 jeep Grand Cherokee with 4.7 lit. V8. I read the owners manual and it says it will handle the load if the jeep is equiped with the group IV tow prep package, it also says if you don't know if you have this then call the dealer well I called two and no one could help with my problem. If anyone has any info. on this problem or has towed with this type of truck please let me know. Thankyou for any help.


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   I am a truck driver of 33 years , you can get in to big trouble fast , your trailer brakes have to be functional, because they will not handle the load if they are not , so most importaintaly  make sure your brakes on both vehicle are in good order, weight distribution make sure most of your weight in the trailer is in front of the trailer axals  , if not it will sway and pull you off the the black top since it does weight twice as much as the pulling vehicle. 

  I have a 66 ford 100 with overload springs , and i bought a forty foot trailer park model with 2 tip outs , so it handles it weight wise , and when i went up the hill with no problem, a 10% hill up and down i was confident , but the rule of thumb in trucking is go down in the same gear you went up or one lower , if you have automatic it would be the same gear you went up in, because you are relying on your brakes only.  f100 brakes didn't handle it and i though it was all over , i got to the bottom wondering how the engine didn't blow , because i had it way over rpms , i hired a 1 ton truck to take it the rest of the way. lol, and i am a profestional , not a good speller . lmao.

 I have had the hopeless feeling of how am i going to slop this vehicle before and still not half way down the hill yet, not a good feeling , crawl down the  hill let every one around when you can, they may give you the 1 finger salute when they go around but at least you will make it safely. lol

Thankyou everyone for replying to my post, I have taken all your advice and have decided to trade the jeep in for a bigger truck next year, I have added trailer brakes, load bars, and anti sway bar to my towing package and will only tow the trailer local untel I can find a truck that I want. I think the jeep will handle short local trips at speeds around 50 MPH on state roads to the lake about 15 miles from home and no hills.

Thanks again Rick

personally, you did good, cause the last thing anyone needs is to read about you and family having any trouble. good luck and keep rv`n

Pat & Stan

Thankyou both for your kind words and thoughts.





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