Hi everyone,I'm a newbie here and I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction.My Winnebago was working great all last year,I parked it for the winter and now that it's warming up I started it up, getting ready for the upcoming season.The first thing I noticed was the brakes hit the floor when I pressed them.I filled the mastercylinder with fluid and they're back up now,but when I try to put it into drive the lever won't budge.I know you have to press on the brake pedal to engage the transmission but I can't find a brake safety switch anywhere or a fuse that could be causing the problem.Any ideas?Help!
Hi Randy,
I would look at the shift linkage cable being frozen/stuck. Disconnect it at the trans and work the lever on the trans by hand if it moves the problem is likely the cable/linkage. Hope this helps, Tony, Joy and Cool Paw Luke
I agree with the other post, likely a stuck or jammed cable/linkage problem. Get underneath and have it chocked so it cant roll and see if you can get the shifters to move back n forth and/or if you can with cable/linkage removed at tranny.
If she ran out of brake fluid just re filling the master cylinders reservoir and bleeding the brakes isnt likely to fix the REAL problem which is likely a leaking rear wheel cylinder or front caliper. Look at all the wheels for evidence of brake fluid and you may find which rear wheel cylinder or front caliper leaked and get it fixed. If a rear cylinder leaked Id replace BOTH sides while at it. Its possible the master cylinder leaked but its more often a rear wheel cylinder in my experience.....
John T
Hi Randy, I agree with Tony, mine did it to me on my holidays, stuck in park, had to disconnect the cable from the shift linkage on the side of the trany, with the engine running wife holding the brakes, slide under and shift to drive, PITA, when i got home i disasembled the shifter on the dash, got the cable out and found the plastic casing was split and corroded. now finding a new OEM cable good luck, what may save you is that there are a lot more 70s Dosge class A"s than there is class C, chev. by the way on old MHs as well as old cars, trucks there is no nuetral safety switch,you do not need to depress the brake pedal as on new vehicals, my MH will start in gear. Now you can try WinneBago parts as they mite have one or an RV wreckers. i found a cable that fits has the rigth ends but have not got it installed yet as it to cold to work on it here, outside. good luck with it and please post what happens and I will too. chat soon. Rick
Thanks everyone,I knew I came to the right place. I'll get under it asap and try the cable and I will bleed the brakes just to make sure.I just thought maybe there was a connection to the low brake pedal and the shifter not working.I'll keep y'all posted.Thanks!
So.lo and behold it was the cable! I took it off the shifter bracket on the trans and it won't move.I guess now I hunt for the elusive trans cable for it or figure out a new way to make it work.Any ideas? Thanks for all the help.I never would have thought it was the cable,it was working so well last fall.All I did was park it!I used to own a bicycle shop and I know cables sometimes get moisture in them and cause them to corrode,maybe thats what happened to this cable.
Yes corrosion is likely the problem. Being a bike man you probably know cables better than I do. but I'll comment anyways. Remove the cable and soak it in a good solvent bath until you get it to move freely, check for breaks, if OK, lube as good as you can, and reinstall. Lube and check all other linkage at same time. Good Luck!
I got the cable off ok on the tranny side but it's a little more difficult on the dash side.Is there a trick? Do I have to remove the whole shifter mechanism or is there a cotter pin like on the transmission? Under the dash it's very hard to see,not a lot of room.
If it is corrosion, it would likely be at the tranny end. Is there any chance of coiling up that end and submerging it in solvent? Maybe I'm just showing how lazy I am!
Hi Randy,
You might want to try some Kano Kroil Penetrating Oil http://www.amazon.com/Kano-Kroil-Penetrating-liquid-KROIL/dp/B000F0...
I have had amazzzzingly good luck with this product! Pretty spendy to me but worth every penny. If you can get to the top of the cable and pour/spray some down the cable and hit the lower end as well, it may well do the trick. Hope this helps, Tony, Joy and Cool Paw Luke
I got the cable off completely and it's stuck.I've been slowly working it on both ends,first I tried to spin it in the casing and that seemed to loosen it up some.I shot some penetrating oil down both ends and began gradually working it lose.It has become easier to move but it's taken some work.I'll leave it soaking overnight and reinstall it tomorrow and hope for the best.Thanks for the link to the Kroil,that stuff is hard to find these days.Who'd of thought a cable could be such a pain!
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