Hello All...My husband and I are fixing up a 76 Go Tag A Long that we bought last

June.  It has the usual aluminum screen door which closes on the inside of the camper and swings out.  Then there is the regular entry door which closes on the outside of the screen door.  We can lock the outer door from the outside with a padlock, however there's no way to lock the door from the inside.  The screen door has a slide panel so we can get to the door handle but there is no locking mechanism.

How can we solve this problem so we can lock the outer door when we're inside?

Thanks for you help.

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Hi jp,Some camper door locks use the inside lever to lock and unlock the outside door knob from the inside.You could add a dead bolt lock too.

Thanks Jimco for replying..

Unfortunately the set up that we have on the inside door does not have any locking mechanism

on the door at all..just a handle..We're trying to figure out how to add a locking system below

the handle..  We'll try a slide bolt and see if that works.  I thought I'd ask to see if there was

something other than this.

Thank you again for your suggestion.

i added a house deadbolt to mine with a knob on the inside.i didn't have the key to the door lock.

Thanks Richard for your helpful reply..

My husband said that seems to be a good solution and is going to see if that idea would work for our door...

Thanks again...Happy Camping !!

jp,try this test.With one person inside and another on the outside.Close the door and lift the inside door handle up.Now have the outside person try to open the door.If it locked you can unlock it by pulling the inside door lever down.This will also open the door the first time you unlock it from the inside.

Hey Jimco...wow..wow..wow!...my husband got so excited when I read him this.

He's thinking that just might be how that handle works.

He's going to try it first thing in the morning, and I'll let you know. 



This is a 'Shout Out to Jimco' !!

WoooHoooo -  It worked !!  The handle IS the locking mechanism for the door.

We were so happy to find this was the solution - yet felt like two 'Duh-mmies' to not have

figured it out.  I can't tell you how thrilled to know we don't have to 'Reinvent The Wheel'

for a solution.

Thank You...Thank You..






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