For anyone that hasn't heard of it, GacoRoof is - by far - the best roof sealer.


Developed in Seattle, it's 100% silicon!


This comes highly recommended by many RV'ers.


I used it on the roof seams of my 33 yr old Winnebago and it works great!


Be warned - it's NOT cheap - can run between $60-80 for a gallon can but worth every penny.....




well, that's my two bits..........


~Robert the Hair

Tags: RV roof sealer, caulking, leak, leaks, rain

Views: 29531

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do any of the sealers come in a silver color?to go with the alluminum trailers?

Gaco does offer colors one of them is gray, when I talked with their customer representative he told me Gaco recommends two coats, using two different colors to assure complete coverage, in my case it will be white over gray.

Obviously you have to apply the roof sealer over repaired leaks I'm thinking. The seams on my aluminum roof have rusted apart. I have attempted to repair them by sanding off the rust & using aluminum flashing. We are still having a problem with a small leak where there is water pooling. I am going to shim up the joists. Hopefully that will not only make the seal tighter but also make the water run off. If that works, is this when I should apply the sealant to the roof? If it doesn't work, any suggestions for repairing the seams in the aluminum?


Thanks for any help. We're rookies! :)


apply where ever it leaks - with liberal over-lap for a good bonding seal border



Technically, you have to fix the leak first.  The roofing sealers can only do so much.  Armor (I don't work for 'em  - just a fan) guarantees against leaks - but I want to give the roof coating every advantage I can to be success by providing a good underlayment.


The Durabond (I think that is the name) tape works great for seams.  It conforms to all of the little imperfections and creates a great seal.  It's available at Camping World. For a caulk product - look at the marine industry - water coming in a boat makes for a bad day - stuff like 3M 5200 is a great adhesive waterproof caulk.  Heck, or if needed maybe even a small patch using fiberglass - (easier than you think to work with).  But do your best to seal the leaks before coating.


Then using your roofing material of choice - put a coat on the repaired seams/patches and then coat the roof.  You want at least two coats.  The stuff I used - I could recoat the roof next day - some require longer periods for a second coat. 


Since I did my roof, the old girl has gone through borderline monsoons without a drop getting in.  You will also find the coach is quieter, and a little cooler (bright white reflectivity).


To answer a previous query - most roof coatings may be tinted like paints - so silver, red any color...


Good luck


-Angel and Stu




ArmorGarage Gaco Ames ELastek Lexis Coatings Henry Gardner-Gibson
Product Armor Roof Coat GR 1600 Super Elasto Solar Extreme 120 Energy Guard HE280DC Black Jack 1000
Product Type Copolymer Epoxy Based Silicone Water Based Elastomeric Water Based Elastomeric Butyl Elastomeric Water Based Acrylic Elastomeric Water Based Siliconized Acrylic
Coverage 100 sq ft/gal ^ 100/gal 100sq ft /gal 100 sq ft /gal 30-35 sq ft /gal 30-35 sq ft /gal 40-50 sq ft /gal
Dried Thickness 18 Mils ^ 22 mils No Data 20 Mils 11 Mils 20 Mils/gal 10 Mils
Density 9.85 lbs/gal No Data No Data/gal 10.6 lbs/gal 7 lbs/gal 12 lbs/gal 11.53 lbs/gal
Tensile Strength 1000 psi 300 psi 250 psi 340 psi 1000 psi 240 psi Up To 250psi
Hardness 60A 50A Less than 1 No Data 45A No Data No Data
Elongation 500% ^ 150% 1000% 260% 900% 230% Up To 350%
Cure Time @ 70 Degrees 24-48 hrs 24 hrs 24 hrs 24-48 hrs 24-48 hrs days 2-3 days 24-48 hrs days
Vapor Transmission. See note below .025 perms .06 perms .9 perms 2.0 perms 5.9 perms 7.0 perms No Data
One Component Product Yes NO Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Primer Required No Sometimes No No YES YES No
Ponding Water Rated Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No
Application Temperature Down To 40 F Down To 32 F Down To 40 F Down To 55 F Down To 45 F Down To 50 F Down To 70 F
Energy Star Rated Yes YES No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Refelectivity 90% 85% No Data 86.5% 85% 88% 90%
UL Fire Rated Yes YES No No No(Flammable Liquid) Yes Yes
Guarantee 12 Yrs ^ 50 Yrs 1 Yr 7 Yrs   *10 Yr 10 Yr 10 Yr

^Gaco Notes - Coverage: On textured surfaces such as all asphalt base roofs Gaco will require 3-4 coats. Actual coverage on textured surfaces is 33 SF/Gal.

  • Tensile Strength- Very Low should not be walked on.
  • Elongation: Very low, may be subject to cracking in extreme conditions.
  • Guarantee- Does not Guarantee results of application such as stopping leaks, guarantee void if roof coating is walked on or strict maintenance not done. Also Gaco does not provide any ASTM Accelerated Weather Testing to verify Longevity. Guarantee is nontransferable.


Eterabond tape will work well to seal the seams if it is clean. It is Butyl based so it should be safe for just about all roof types. Coating will not work in ponding water. Coating doesn't do much for stopping leaks.

What ever product is used, it has to be for the correct type of roof. Metal can be coated with a lot of different products but the single ply roofs on newer RV's needs to be treated with the correct product.

I am still suprised at how many people are incorrectly calling PVC and TPO roofs "RUBBER." The salemen and techs at the RV repair shops call all single ply roofs rubber when very few RV's actually are.

Check with your local commercial roofer to find out what you have and by a product made for that type of roof.

Many do it yourselfers are going to cost yourselves a lot of money down the road.

Iam sold on eternabond tape! When put on a clean dry surface,and a roller to bond it to roof,you can not pull it back off! I did not have a roller at first,and did not bond as well. After buying roller,it was down for good! I then applyed  snow white that comes in 5 gal bucked from menards! Take a look at my pics!

I used some cheap Home Depot $10 a gal elastic fiber black tar roof stuff in a green can! I laid it on heavy with three gallons. I came back 2 weeks later and it was dry! Next I purchased a Sherwin Williams product Snow Glow reflective elastic roof paint. It was about $30 a gallon in a blue and yellow can. This stuff was well worth it, and cooled the trailer down alot. I used 3 gallons of that stuff! The first coat turned tan from the tar underneath it, so I did two more and she turned out beautiful. That was last year and she still looks great! There are a few tan spot where the water sits on my roof, but no leaks! Here is a picture for everyone that I still had!


I hope you don't have a rubber, PVC or TPO roof. The asphalt based products will eat your roof up in time.

Hi Darren,

I repaired a leak on the back of the roof seam on my '85 Pace Arrow using the elastic fiber black tar in a tube. My roof looks like it is fiberglass. Am I ok or should I keep freaking out that I just wrecked my roof???!!! 

If your roof is fiberglass (Which sounds right for a Pace Arrow) you should be just fine. You may have to put a fiberglass membrane in between layers if it cracks over time. My guess is that it should be good for a year or more.




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