I have a Suburban furnace in my 87 Southwind. It will not produce heat. The sail switch is working, as is the high temp sensor and the propane tank is full. It was working fine, but then just quit producing heat. Any suggestions as what to look at next?

Tags: furnace, surburban

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Even before our Atwood 6 gal water heater bit the dust, my DW was complaining that before she finished her shower the water would be cold.  I think that is why she was so eager to get a tankless water heater.  We may regret it, but this one is built by Atwood with Girard assistance on the design, and I have read more people liking it than not liking it.  The model number is 90205 50,000 BTUs.

Rain away! LOL

Well David you sure shot down the tankless water heater. LOL  I read your comments to DW and she changed her mind.  so I will be putting in a new 6 gal water heater.  I told her I could replace all the parts cheaper, but she said no, start over fresh with a new unit, because we do not know how long the tank will hold out.  No sense in putting all that money out on something that old and then having to get a new one anyway because the tank springs a leak.  

Ok....so i saw the ez202. This you will mount inside and duct outside? I like that better than the 900 dollar rv one....never mind my previous rant...lol

I looked at the EZ line, but I did not want to fight the exhaust plumbing.  Besides I like the Atwood as it will fit in the hole where the 6 gal tank is currently at so no modification is needed and it is already plumed for exterior exhaust.  I don't recall if it has the winter package or not.  Another plus is that it is $605 from PPL instead of $1070 that most places are charging, and the replacement door is another $35 plus $10 shipping.  PPL has a price of $263 for a new 6 gallon tank heater, so it is not a cheap conversion.  

Sorry, got the wrong water heater.  The correct one is $320

Camping world had one review...too much heat. Everyone else says not enough. All the on demands I ever dealt with had not enough heat. If its got water in freezing weather...you must have the winter pack and the issues i mentioned, otherwise you will freeze. Check the pan when it gets there..seal it up. I had the one for a surburban...the atwood is tighter! Like 4" shorter in depth at least..I dont even like the door on the thing...wheres the venting on the top? Cant we just get you a little 110 on demand electric to go infront of your existing atwood? I would sleep so much better if you would just consider it...pleeeeeze

It is vented through the door from what I can tell from the pictures.  Just like the 6 gallon tank is.

Look at the new door for the thing. The one you need to buy. Wheree is the louvers inthe top? Are they trying desparately to get extra heat?? Why is the price for this thing dropping? If your tank aint bad...just need wire and the thermal cut off...and clean the burner. Reread the reviews...and they dont mention the faults I found..just by looking and not using. The R and D is not right on this...IMHO...listen, the rain has stopped...i read the 50k has the winter pack included. I wish our resident BTU expert was here to weigh in on this...John? ...John??
Ok...all the heat goes out through the little vent in the top. There are few louvers atop to help protect coils from cold spells I would imagine. I watched a vid on your install...the atwood. It sets pretty deep and the guy had to pull the wall. You will prolly want 90s on the fittings on the back, especially if your tight on the backside. I ran the cold pack return line to the ground on my install for the fresh water tank was too far away. I've thought about it...I dont want to be remembered for eternity as the guy who stole Bernieces hot water. LMK if you need help...i did read the earlier post that you did the board already...lets solve it when you get the coach back.
In your tankless WH defence...the one i did was a year or 2 maybe ago. I dont remember a lo/hi switch for winter/summer operation. I do know that there are qusetions as to how practical this thing is. The concept is a great one...seriously. And it does make great sense. Products just seem to rush to market nowadays. Then they kinda shift onthe fly, modify on the move and somehow try to make it right down the road. I purposely avoid the new stuff for a year or so...just to let time prove them. Unless you burnt the board onthe water heater..you just need some wires and some cleaning. I almost never change a water heater unless the tank dies. Even then, I have replaced many a tank on the atwood because you can get just a tank and sometimes you have to rewire the new WH because the changed design. But that tank replacement is really only practical on the high end units. It would be great for you to get a review you could trust...someone you know who has one. Options:
1. Rewire and clean. Then you could wait and see if the tankless is really right for you. 40 to 60 tops. Try to get the board tested for free.
2. Get the new water heater. DSI...but you do have the install costs too dont forget.
3. Consider a DSI/electric at this time. Extra labor but a 20 minute recovery time if you operate on both. Cant be used inconjunction with the air conditioner though.
4. Take everything David under advisement and proceed with purchase of tankless.

In closing I know I influenced your decision and I dont take that lightly. Russell , your the one who knows if you operate in cold weather, if you can maintain the due diligence for freeze prevention, if the use will be great enough to offset the costs involved. I cant make that decision for you. All i can do is tell you my concerns. The gent whose unit I installed and serviced never had a talk with me for me to ask how it performed. I did not care to ask at the time. When Thetford came out with a foot flush cable operated toilet I looked at it and said "not in my store". Ive never regretted that decision. I personally like option #1. It gives you a chance to research this a little better...maybe prove me wrong. Or if you wont camp till spring, just wait and do a little more investigation. I do know I'm willing to take the heat for my rant. My ego can handle it and I stand behind every word. And I want Berniece to have that hot water almost as bad as she does...Happy Thanksgiving!
P.S. Get an anode rod for which ever tank you get...;)

It was nothing to do with the tankless system operation that got her to change her mind, it was the fact that we do a lot of winter camping and the problems you expounded upon.  Also, the price difference was a significant deal breaker.  We are both grateful for your insight and saving us from what could be a significant and expensive error.

Great...i'm speechless..imagine that! Lol




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