In my 69 Dodge, (GoGo Bus) the auxiliary battery's positive cable came loose. It touched the metal box and arced. It blew out some lights and the amp meter which was reading a bit pass the mid point fell to a little before the mid point and the volts reading fell from about high 13's to about to 10 to 11.

I drove it to a car show as is Friday night about 80 miles.

In the morning {Sat.} it started up and proceeded to my next stop about 50 miles away.

Camped and the next morning {Sunday} it started up. Go to church, come out and the Bus would not start. The tow truck jumped it and the bus started up but stalled when he put a load on it. The tow truck driver said its your alternator.

Put a rebuilt alternator on it. Amp and volts were still reading low. 20 miles later on the road again, my volts dropped steadily till it read zero and the Bus died. I then bought a new voltage regulator. It started right up, amp and volts were reading very good. Almost immediately smoke came from under the dash. I yanked the positive battery cable.

I could not locate the smoke or what may be burning. So put the cable back on. The bus started up but I watched my volts and they are about 11 to 12 even with revving the engine it doesn't climb.

What would you do from here? Thanks for the help.
Gotta GoGo!!

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Hi Carey, bring it over to my place and we will figure it out. 440 296 5127

I am in shock and disbelief!!! Do you have a tow truck? How much to tow it from Painesville to your place if you do?

The Go-Go Bus was towed to a mechanic in Painesville. I spoke with him on Thursday. He worked on it before. He said I could leave it in the lot and I could even work on it because it may be 2 weeks until he could get to it.

This weekend went twice to do tests on it, all was fine. Tuesday late 11:30 pm before work I went to check on it. For some reason they pushed it or used a wince wrapped around a tree to drag the Go Go Bus off the lot into the woods. The bumper is scratched, the muffler is now hanging, and the front wheel doesn't look right.

I got a headache from all this. I dont understand why a garage would drag a classic car into the weeds.


There's no excuse for the handling of your van. some folks just don't get what it means to honor the classic's especially the ones that aren't dolled up trailer queens and not the atypical classic cars. Sorry you have had to deal with this clown.


Hi Carey, I'm waiting to hear back from my tow guy.

Tow guy says $100 cash or a little more if paying another way.He can flat bed it tomorrow.

I am heading to the shop in a bit, i may be able to use someones triple A that was offered to me. i will inform everyone what is going on later.  thanks for your concern.

Unfortunately to them it is not a classic, it is a pile of junk sitting in their road as far as they are concerned.  I would be talking to a lawyer to see what, if anything, they can do to help you get the damage repaired and then get a tow truck to move it to another shop, one that cares about its customers.




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