New is great - back to the future 1978-79-80 Lindy 25' 86-2531 440

Ok, everyone who is in love with new travel rv solutions, move on. Thanks.

OK, I am still auditing the 1978 aka 1979 aka 1980 ( Iacocca would be proud - the federal bailout parts and build data mess)  - well, I found a last of most 25' Skyline Lindy Bunkhouse - all optioned -aluminum skin up and below intact, Cab and house frame perfect, all options work - 440/727 Dana 70 MB400 artifact from1979/80. ALL undercarriage rubber and such is soft - brake-lines, etc... All wiring is soft - no cracks  wtf.... not one little crack -the weather of inland coastal southern cal near Knots Berry Farm is not ozone and UV heavy many years ago?

The bad - dumping the 16.5's

Still need 2 coined 16" dodge rims. I have got 5 ( 4 rear and the spare) w/ 225/75/16rn LT Load E Michelin.

The general issue - drop the rpm  - need a lower gear-set for the Dana 70 - 3.73 or even 3.55 - carrier to - I think I have the 4.56 - will check THIS WEEKEND. 


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Hey Mike.

I also have a Lindy in near mint condition. Mine however is a 1982 Chevy 350. Sorry I can't help you with the gear set issue, but I can give some advice regarding the rims.  I was having quite the dilemma finding tires to fit the 16.5 rims.  Seems as if 8.0 R16.5 LT is now what they call a "dead size". I too was ready to ditch my 16.5's for 16's!  But after talking with several different tire guys about my problem I discovered that the Firestone Transforce tires are available in an 8.75 R16.5 LT.  Not only do they look good, but the .375 inch on each side of the tire has no detrimental effect on performance whatsoever. Plenty of room between the duels, good ride, good tread warranty, etc. It certainly made more economic sense for me just to buy new tires instead of buying tires AND rims. Hope this helps you out.   Terry

All good - We are now rolling on coined 16"s dodge rims w/ 225 75 16r load e; Michelin's. Similar  in size to the 8.75 16.5 and a perfect fit front and rear. Got em for a song from a parted out 92 dually.

Moving on to gray water tank and spaying all exposed wood with resin hardener.

Congratulations on finding 16 inch rims so inexpensively. Everyone with 16.5 rims is eventually going to have to bite the bullet and go to a 16 or 17 inch rim as those 16.5 tires are on the rare breed list and will eventually be extinct. Good luck with the grey water tank and with the exposed wood.

I run the 16.5 Transforce as well, an excellent tire made a world of difference in the ride. The Palace runs 5 MPH slow though but it hasn't hurt the torque out put much at all if any and I actually think it improved the mileage a bit .  

OK, the tires are out of the way and we found a 23 gallon gray water tank... Finding the tires was a big save 5 from one and 2 from a latter deal - geez. We have covered the RV with a white reversed Billboard vinyl sheet - last for years and years in Vegas sun - one out back is over 10 years old and still as new.

SO, jack stands and Jacks - I am learning that declared tonnage ratings for stands and jacks are unqualified. 

Scenerio - Boondocking a 25 footer old school C - 4 ton naked - max GVW 9,800 = OK, boom a tire goes flat - in the dirt - .

I currently have a 2 ton barrel jack that is in need of wood to lift anything ( axles included)  and zero stands.

What is recommended?

I find little help with Amazon and Ebay ratings.

My mh is 16,600 pounds total, I had an 8 ton jack that would not lift even a front tire off the ground. I went to a 20 ton jack and no longer have any problems. I recommend at least a 10 ton jack and bigger is better.  

Damn Russ - that was clear as air!!

AOK, affirmed and 10-4 - copy that - 

I thought as much -  'I'll go well over 10t rated - thanks. . 

I am going 20ton - I get it...

Jack Stands - 6 ton front ant 10 ton each rear.....

The weight of all this is now important, but so its migration is us on our eventual upgrades - spend once wisely, and do not spend again. 

OK, got it. we are close - first is quality. duhh.  Second is scaled rating - all jacks are 1/2 rate each. OK.  Bottle jacks are also .5 rate.

So, 12 ton HD bottle  and Jegs 6 ton stands are on the way - for the rear. Front will get a mix of 3 ton jack stands, wood blocks, 2.5 floor jack that does lift the lower control arm when rim is in the  dirt. A short old school 4 ton bottle jack will be available.

That is the lifted at home package - a few units with be taken on the road.





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