I have been looking at late 70's early 80's motorhomes. Have seen an Apollo 33' that looks interesting as well as an Airstream similar length. Just found an 1989 Itasca 37RQ not too far from me . Was interested to know if anyone has any thoughts about these. Essentially I am looking for an RV to restore and use not necessarily in that order. The proximity of the Itasca is attractive.



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Thank you for your comment and I know it will take a lot of work for someone to restore this old girl, I so wish I was able to do it, but my health just won't let me and I had such dreams for this old girl, wish someone young who had visions could take her and make her into the beauty I know she could be, it has a good engine 454 chevy and P30 chassis and good transmission and the body is in real good condition, just needs interior work and tires, we have new seats and chairs for it, inside needs gutted and redone,but it has oak cabinets that can be redone.

Sorry to see that your health won't permit you to continue with this endeavor. They truly are classic coaches with so much potential. Take care and please keep sharing what you know. 

Good morning, Sheryl Mason; 

OK.  I understand.  And it is nice to know that you can also see the potential that it still has.  The point that it is mechanically sound (other than the tires which have a limited life expectancy just sitting around) is a very good point for a prospective buyer. 

And, diverting to your husband for a moment, from one electronics geek to another, send an e-mail message to me through the Good Old RVs system.  I have many things to say about attempting to upgrade a motor home of our vintage, and some things to check BEFORE you begin those upgrades, and some other things to watch for when doing any upgrades or system replacements.  My own vehicle is a 1987 Winnebago Elandan WCP31RT which is very similar to your 1989 Itasca Suncruiser, except for the headlight system.  Yours is the four light system while mine is the larger light two light system.  That is the main difference that you can see.  And I hope that you have an oscilloscope, Mr. Mason. 

Fairly quickly, when I started, vacuum tubes were still in vogue, so I am still fairly conversant with thermionic emission valves, went through discrete components and transistors (still have a blue CK722 in the red, white, and blue folded thin cardboard envelope), 7400 and CD4000 14 and 16 pin DIP package integrated circuits, VLSI ICs, and now microprocessors, with a preference still for 8 bit devices, such as the 8080, Z80, and the 6809. 

Enjoy;   Ralph, Latté Land, Washington 

Good morning, again, Sheryl Mason; 

The most recent news from you is not what I wanted to hear.  I was looking forward to talking with you and your husband about your venerable motor home, some of the things to watch for, some things to check (that most people might not consider), and just share some information about these distinctive motor homes.  He had done some of the things that I have done with my 1987 Winnebago Eloandan WCP31RT.  Yes, they are quickly identifiable, much like the GMC Motor homes are also distinctive and identifiable at a glance.  If you can keep them dry, they will last for years.  Maintaining the integrity of the roof is important, and that can include replacing the seals under the air conditioners to keep the water out when it rains. 

I did have hope that your husband would send a private message to me through the Good Old RVs system, or an e-mail message to me.  Either way.  It would have been enjoyable to talk with someone who shares similar interests and history as mine.   We can still do that if you and he would like. 

Enjoy;  Ralph, Latté Land, Washington 




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