I bought a 83 25ft chevy g30 based rv with a 350. I drove it home from where I bought it. 3 hours away and 65 mph on flat ground was all she wrote. 50mph on small hills. Normal or somethings not right. I was going to pull my wife's car with it but I'm not sure she would break 25 mph if I tried . Thanks

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Should be able to do 70 easily. Check timing total advance. Base is about 6 and total no more than 30. Chevy dist tend to lockup the advance. Take dist cap off and see if you can turn the rotor back an forth.

Hey there! I had the same issue with a Dodge 360 that wound up having the plug wires swapped around, leaving the v8 running as a V6 then as a V4 after I got done fooling around with plug swaps. Get the firing order diagram for the plugs, make sure your set up is set for that THEN look at the distributor. your RV should be able to run 70mph no issue. Goodness knows my old Dodge FLEW after fixing the plug wires on a sunday in SC at a truck stop after calling a transmission shop that called back and said what I'm telling you.

Back in the early 80"s we traveled with a group that had some class c motor homes with the 350 engine and three speed automatics.  There was a speed limit in those days, so driving 60 mph was at the top end.  In this group of travelers was a professional mechanic and he maintained and fixed most of our RVs and personal cars and trucks.  The mechanic advised all of us to install a tach and use RPMs to help determine an appropriate speed for our RVs.  The mechanics theory was you could wind a 350 above 3500 RPMs, but the question was for how long and for how many miles before bad things started to happen.  Most of our trips in the summer were between the Midwest and to the Colorado/Wyoming region.  Our group soon settled on the 58 to 62 MPH speed range on I80.  If the wind was out of the west in Wyoming we were lucky to keep 50 PH and not stop at every other gas station.  Hope you enjoy your rig, as that is a nice size and fairly easy to maintain yourself.   




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