My brother told me about this trick that a friend of his swears by. He says that if you leave an open box of powder laundry soap in your rv/camper/travel trailer it will keep the mice away. We don't have a huge problem with mice around here....more of a problem with stray cats! Regardless, I have already put a box on the floor of our SOB. Hey, for the price of a box of detergent it can't hurt!

Tags: Detergent Keeps Mice Away in RVs, Winterizing RVs

Views: 2260

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Moth balls only work for spiders, and they stink will take long time to get rid of smell of them.... We use the wax mouse baits around in areas our pups can't get into. Seal all holes with steel wool if possible. Pour pink safe antifreeze down into all sink and shower traps. I set out mouse traps baited with peanut butter which I check every few days if I have seen evidence I have some...
There is a new Stabil out.. its blue and is labeled for "Ethanol" on the front. its made for older engines and can be put in all the time. Does the anti-oxidation thing plus helps older engines deal withe the ethanol in the gas. I run the engine and genny after adding it.

Tina and Pat
Dryer sheets (such as Bounce) also work. We had a rat in our first motorhome - put dryer sheets around (in drawers and such) and he came out, trying to get away from dryer sheets. Finally got rid of him. Never had another problem.
Bounce brand dryer sheets seem to do a good job keeping out insects. We also have been using the peanut butter type molded mouse bait and it has done great. Care must be used to gather it up before letting your pets and small children in for a trip.
I have heard that mice do not like peppermint so we sprinkled pure peppermint essential oil behind our walls etc when we were restoring. Different websites have recommended putting a few drops of the peppermint oil on cotton balls and putting them where you want to deter the mice.

drier sheets only work for a few months to stay effective. we have pulled mice nests out of vehicles that had drier sheets for nesting material. we have also used whole cloves in vehicles--smells better than moth balls, we use moth balls in the engine compartment, outside storage areas, in the tailpipes, and around the base of the tires.




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