I would like to invite anyone with an interest in Glastron Motorhomes to share their ideas and experiences, ask questions and leave comments. I have owned a 1970 model for 16 years and have a lot of experience with it and learn more all the time. The first big question we all seem to have is how many were produced and in what years.  

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I was wondering if you Gary know if the brakes are good enough for down hill.  I may buy a 1969.


Does it help to put on a 4 barrel carb.  Are there many main tips I should know.  It is a long way to drive to look at this one I want to find out more about them if it is worth buying. I drive alot on the road.  doug4277@yahoo.com



Hi Doug,

When everything is working properly the drum brakes work fine. There are two

vacuum boosters mounted on the frame and braking is normally not a problem.

 I did overheat mine and they were fading one time coming into Silverton, Colorado.

 I also towed a HondA Civic over 5000 miles one summer and wore a set of shoes

out. I won't tow again without brakes on the tow car. I think front disc brakes 

would be a good upgrade for sure. Brake drums for these chassis are starting

to be hard to find as well. These motorhomes originally came with a choice of

a 318 or 413. Mine has the 318 and has always been a little slow in the hills but fine otherwise. I will put a four barrel manifold and carb on mine when I rebuild it along

with electronic ignition. My wife and I really enjoy ours. If you decide to go see it

post some pictures. Good luck, Gary 

Hello from Doug Finch.  I am thinking of buyinh a glastron 1969.  Was wondering if the brakes are safe as they are all drum.  Also if that old 318 has enough power. Did they come with a 4 barrel?


I sure like the looks and the roll bar.  It is a long drive so I haven't looked at it yet. Trying to find out if it is worth looking at and driving that far.



Doug: Hi and welcome to Old Glastrons! I have a 1970 and  a 1969. I dont know if I am bragging or complaining?  I am working on getting the 69 retrofitted and some restoration to run on the road again. The chassis on my 69 is actually a 68. I found that out when I did the brakes on it. I cant tell you if the brakes are able to do the job of stopping like a new sprinter, I doubt it, but the previous owner told me that the rig drove good and stopped just fine. If you check my page you will find pictures of mine. They are unique as Glastron didnt build that many in their three years of production. I like them as they are just the right size about 20 feet. The 318 is one of the best engines that Chrysler ever built as far as I am concerned and they still make it! Yes you can put on a 4 barrel but the power curve on the industrial 318-3 is not a high rpm engine so it only needs enough air as provided by the two barrel carb. This rig should be run at about 55-60 MPH  for best performance and gas mileage. Be prepared for lots of work if you buy one as they all are in mostly poor condition. The restoration is the part I really like. I am not a camper but my wife and I plan to take some trips when it is done. There are people on this site who can help with info and history of these rigs including myself so hang with this site!! Good luck. Jim


I found a web page www.cuzztravels.blogspot.com click on motorhomes they have owned.They claim only 21 glastrons were ever built. I found this hard to believe so I contacted the Glaston Co. I was informed that no records were ever saved and they have no idea how many were built. I have never seen another one in person,(other than the one I have) Whats your thoughts on this?

Thanks, Dale 


I have had mine since 94. I saw one for sale in the mid 80's and really liked it but didn't have the money. I didn't see another until I found an add for the one I own in 94. They were all built in Austin and I live in North Texas. I knew a marina manager that use to race boats for Glastron in the late 60's and he was given one to pull the race boats with. He told me he thought only 18 were built. I have personally seen 3, but probably another 8-10 on the internet, and only one other that has the right side galley like mine. I was at a wooden boat show in Houston in 95 and ran into a guy who worked at the Glastron factory when they were built and he didn't know how many were built either. My parents started a motorhome rental business in 1969 and we rented Islander, Open Road and Futura. I remember that Open Road and Winnebago sold for 5 to 8 thousand and I know now Glastron was about 12 thousand and that was probably why they didn't make it. You could buy a house for that in 69 in West Texas. I guess it is still a mystery exactly how many were made. Thanks, Gary

trying to find pressure switch for Glastron water pump, mine shorted out on last trip, burnt the plastic housing and two of the contacts, the manufacturer is no longer in business, will try and find one from Grainger, but need to know the PSI ratings for the switch, and help woul be greatly apperriciated,   thanks   Ron
Hi Ron, I have never had any problem with my water pump. I think mine has a fuse in the wire near the pump, that might prevent a problem when you have a short. 12 volt RV water pumps are easier to replace than repair sometimes, unless its a high end unit. The pressure is preset and built in to most of them, probably about 35 to 40 psi would be about right. Good luck, Gary
Gary, i found a pressure switch for the original pump, but it was almost $50 with shipping, so i bought a new pump for 85 with built in switch, no sense putting in a new switch in a 40 year old pump.  just have to rubegoldburg the installation, I dont like drilling holes or putting screws in the Old Glastron. thanks for the advise     Ron 

Hi there!  Love your Glastron pics.  I have just bought a 1969 Dodge Islander in great condition...except for the windshield.  I have called what feels like 50 salvage yards to find one, but not having any luck.  The Glastron and Islander windshields look similar, but I think they may be a bit different.  Any advice you could offer would be greatly appreciated, thank you!

the windshield on your islander look very similar to the ones on Glastrons, if  that is the case the should be the same as a Ford C series cab over engine trucks,, the C600, C700 or C800 models, they were manufactured from 1968 thru 1992 one of the most used comercial trucks, Safelite auto glass quoted me $289 to replace the drivers side windsheild in my glastron         ron

Thanks Ron!  I am going to check into that today.  Great tip!!





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