Helen Waddell
  • Female
  • San Antonio, TX
  • United States
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  • Carol greenhalgh
  • Jack & Connie
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  • William Briggs
  • steve herring
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Helen Waddell's Discussions

'65 Santa Fe light covers

Hi all!  I'm still working on my trailer and need to find the tail light and side light covers for my '65 Santa Fe.  I've got the originals but the TL covers are cracked, and I'm told the side light…Continue

Started Jun 17, 2011

Working on '65 Santa Fe
6 Replies

Hi all! I'm still working on my trailer and need to find the tail light and side light covers for my '65 Santa Fe.  I've got the originals but the TL covers are cracked, and I'm told the side light…Continue

Started this discussion. Last reply by Helen Waddell Jun 27, 2011.


Helen Waddell's Page

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You And RVing
No RV But Want One
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san antonio texas
Tell us a little About Yourself
older woman really interested in making some changes and wondering if I'm too old to make this move. I'm 64 and would like to simplify my life. I've thought about buying an old school bus and moving out on the road. It would have to be very simple because I don't know anything about remodeling. I put homebuilt below but I don't have anything right now.

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Helen Waddell's Blog

Older First-Timer

Hi!  My name is Helen and I'm 64 years old.  I created this blog as sort of a nudge to myself.  When I see that age 64, I think oh dear, I'm too old to start over, what am I thinking??  But I just don't feel it yet.  I'm feeling pretty good, no major medical problems, knock on wood! ouch!  :)


These are just my thoughts right now, but I feel I'm right on the edge of making a huge change in my life. It will take many baby steps, I know.  So I created this blog hoping for…


Posted on September 30, 2011 at 4:22pm — 23 Comments

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At 1:54pm on February 29, 2012, steve herring said…

Hi Helen,  No, I am still going to do some traveling, but the trailer is going to be sitting in one place much more than it is on the go.  I will put the tires back on when I head down the road.  Seems like tires ruin from just sitting, but it will be a snap to put them back on.  Feisty is still great, even thinking about getting a little female puppy for her to teach.  Not sure yet, don't want to upset the apple cart.  Hope you get your trailer roadworthy soon. Keep me posted.   Steve Herring

At 8:54pm on February 27, 2012, steve herring said…

Hi Helen,

My old computer died and I just got a new one.  How has your trailer search progressed.  I think you had purchased one the last time I communicated with you.  Have you been anywhere with it yet?  How is your doggie?

Steve Herring

At 5:21pm on January 3, 2012, steve herring said…

Helen, You have described typical wienie dog behavior.  They are very loyal to only one master and have what can be described as a bad disposition.  They are a one person dog, and you will have problems if you have any other dogs.  Feisty is my only dog, and the love, affection, and protective attitude she gives me more than makes up for all of her quirks.  They also are routine-oriented, and want to be on the same schedule everyday.  Hope you two can co-exist.  Steve

At 3:50pm on December 22, 2011, steve herring said…


   Merry Xmas to you and yours, and the best of holidays!

   Feisty and I are doing well.  I bought her a big pork bone for Xmas, and also one for my friend's dog.  I am going to give my friend's dog the larger bone.  My dog does not like to share (as I am sure you are aware of, since you own a little dog like I do).

   You mentioned a Santa Fe trailer in your last email.  Is that a Lark?  I thought that I read that you had purchased a Lark.  But I misread occasionally.  

   Thanks for all of your correspondence via email, and remember "JESUS IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON".  Peace on Earth and good will to all campers.

Your friend,




At 4:10pm on December 21, 2011, steve herring said…

Hi Helen and Dixie,

   Hope you are both doing fine.  What a coincidence we both have headstrong, spoiled wienie dogs.  Feisty sleeps with me every night, and she is the best dog in the world.  I have to pet her for a few minutes, then cover her with a pillow, and she stays in the same position until we get up in the morning.  She is a very stubborn little girl, but we get along fine.  

   She loves to bark, but only for good reasons.  Like anytime she hears a sound outside.  I could not live without her.

   Let me know how the trailer rehab is coming, and any problems you may be having.

Always good to hear from you,

          Your friend, Steve

At 4:58pm on December 20, 2011, steve herring said…


   Glad to hear from you but sad to hear you are having a few challenges with your trailer.  It will be even more fun when you work for it.  Plus, you might enjoy the process.

   I have had a few physical setbacks, but am fine now.  Can't wait for spring to go camping in my Lark trailer with my weinie dog Feisty.  I think she enjoys the outings more than I do, but we do it together.  Plus, you meet the best people while camping.  Keep in touch.

   Your friend,


At 11:47am on December 18, 2011, steve herring said…


   Glad to hear you got a trailer.  I also have a 13 foot Lark.  Mine was in very good condition when I bought it for $300.  Hope you are enjoying yours.  Let me hear from you.

At 12:49am on September 6, 2011, Carol greenhalgh said…
Hi, Helen! The title is the only thing I don't have to worry about. I got a '69 Holiday Rambler on eBay that's turned out to be a long way from what I was expecting. I hired a driver to drive a long distance to pick it up. Within a mile or two of getting it, the awning fell off, and at the time he was driving slowly because the "very good" tires were so bad he feared a blowout. That's just the beginning. It's really the first time I've had something like happen in all my years. Still figuring out next steps. Do you have a trailer yet? Have you towed it, if so?
At 6:49pm on July 19, 2011, Jeanne said…
Thanks Helen! I am anxious to get started on mine but its been horribly hot here this week.  But I'm putting the "spare' time to good use working on my curtains.  I have lots of questions and as soon as I can do inventory I'll be asking for suggestions.  Have a great day!  Jeanne
At 12:17am on July 16, 2011, Jack & Connie said…
Love your blog! You are so inspiring!! My husband and I are fixing to re-do a 1981 Shasta travel trailer......and when i say 're-do', I mean gut it, Kilz it, love it back to life. :o) It's all I can think about!!.....upholstery, curtains, colors, flooring. But oh what fun!



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Furnace Igniter 2 Replies

Started by Dean Benoy in RV Repair & Maintence. Last reply by Dean Benoy Feb 4.

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Wanted side lights

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