my letter to the garage your thought?

This letter concerns my 1969 Dodge A100 Xplorer also known as the Go-Go Bus.
I am very shocked and dismayed with the treatment of my vehicle that was left in your care. It is a show vehicle meaning I attend shows with it and it is the basis of a book I wrote “Hey Gang! Ready to Go-Go?” and in fact it is on the cover of the book. Using the Go-Go Bus to attend shows to sell my book is also a source of income.

I had the vehicle towed to your shop by Shambaugh Towing of Titusville, Pennsylvania. They delivered the Go-Go Bus without incident. It arrived late on July 6th, before midnight. Having used your service in the past I was confident the vehicle would be safe and repaired. I left two business cards on the drivers side window, one was Frank's Auto of East Hickory, Pa. who originally diagnosed the problem and my business card. Also in the back window of the Go-Go Bus is a large sign promoting my book.

The night of July 6th I left a message on your shop phone answering machine that I had left the vehicle. I did not hear from you so I came to visit you at CMP on either Thursday the 9th or Friday the 10th. I had explained what was wrong with the vehicle. You replied you are running at least two weeks behind but would eventually get to it. I said I am even willing to pay a lot fee for leaving it at your place which you said I did not have to. I then asked if it would be OK if I tried working on it. You said you didn't care that I was more than welcome to and if anyone said anything just tell them Joe said it was OK. The vehicle sat where it was originally towed and no mention of it being in anyone's parking spot.

I worked on the vehicle Saturday the 11th removing the alternator and regulator and having both tested at O'Reilly's in Painesville. Sunday the 12th I returned and did more tests. The vehicle still sat in the same place with no damage done.
Monday the 13th I had to work but Tuesday night the 14th late before work I went to check on it. That is when I discovered the Go-Go Bus was in the weeds and leaning badly.

I went to the police and told them what had happened not knowing how it got there. They came and made out a report listing paint removed from the bumper and the exhaust was loose and rattling but beyond that they could not see physically under the vehicle. At that time I was not sure if vandals did this to the Go-Go Bus as a joke or if it rolled into the weeds, nothing made sense.

I left a phone message early Wednesday morning the 15th about 2 am panicking from what I saw. You left a phone message Wednesday explaining why you had towed it there. I called back about noon. You had a apologized for scaring me and said you could pull the vehicle back out. I said NO wait until I give you the key. I was worried that the Go-Go Bus could be further damaged dragging it while in park

. I was unable to deliver the key until Friday the 17th. You had promised then you would remove it from the weeds and place it back in the lot. I left confident you would do what you said.

Saturday the 18th I returned to find the Go-Go Bus was not moved. I called the shop phone and left a message. Your wife had arrived at CMP to throw out trash about 4 pm. I asked if she worked with you. It was explained she was your wife. She allowed me to enter your shop to find the key so I could further straighten out the Bus. Inside the curtain was knocked off and my silverware drawer had fallen from when you pushed it into the weeds.

I told your wife it needed to be moved now. I then went to your house. Your daughter answered and I told her the same thing. She gave me your cell phone number. I called leaving messages at 5:29 pm– 8:35 pm – 10:03 pm and 11:28 pm. At about a little before midnight it was then decided to call a tow truck to have the Go-Go Bus removed. Besides the obvious reason of it sitting in the weeds slanted with moisture getting up into it, there were ants and spiders found in it plus Painesville is known for illegals and homeless. Where you had left it was welcoming vandals or a homeless person to enter or damage it.

A full report was made and numerous photos taken by the tow truck operator.
The Go-Go Bus is currently at Chicks Auto in Wickliffe being checked out. This is just the visible damage done from you putting it into the weeds 1. The front and back bumpers are damage with paint removed down to metal. 2. The back bumper needs to be realigned. 3. The muffler needs to be rehung. 4. The front license plate frame is broken.

I am not looking to be compensated beyond the expenses incurred but I do expect to be fully compensated. The first bill I am sending is the invoice for the towing in the amount of $110.00. I expect to be paid in a timely manner.

Carey Masci

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Comment by carey masci on July 22, 2015 at 2:36am

Rich you may be right but at least I must try. I pretty much have all my bases covered, police report, tow trucker driver report and friends taking photos.

When all damage is tallied it will probably be close to a grand.

I want to thank Jimco if I haven't already. He offered to help and had a tow truck lined up. But my decision to get it out of this garage was very last minute so called a local tow. Thanks Jimco, appreciate it.

Comment by Rich Thomas on July 21, 2015 at 11:30pm

I don't know what to say here Carey except good luck with this. It's not right to have your vehicle treated with utter disregard but it's going to be an up hill battle getting any relief from that shop it's been my experience that sometimes it's best for your own sanity to chalk it up to lessons learned and move forward. I'm not saying you should abandon your quest for satisfaction just be prepared for the battle and the scars. Good luck       



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