I been in business since 75. Parts were viable back then. As the internet came around, most retailers began to worry. NotI, I figured if people had to pay freight online and I had to charge tax, it would be a wash and I could compete. I believed that etailers had to stock a warehouse, and maintain a shipping department, that they basically had overhead. Not so, the same vendors that supply them, supply me. They ship and handle returns. All the etailer needs is a cubicle, a PC, and a phone. But it gets better. They sale to the etailer so cheap, that the etailer can sale cheaper than my wholesale price. Thats right, cheaper than I buy for by up to 10%. Most online items with freight come in right at my wholesale purchase price. So if a converter sales for 170 online and my cost is 200, what price do I put on that to where it don't look like I'm cuttin' a fat hog?? I did not write this to complain. Just to inform others of this so they know why prices in the stores are so high. Retailers are also subject to the barnes and noble/amazon syndrome. Customers come get your advice as to application and best product and then go online. So if you get met by clueless sales people and high prices at RV stores..now you know why.

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Very true words. Like the ole mom and pop places disapearing.

Unfortunately this has happened.  My Dad gave up his business at the beginning of the spread of the internet, he saw the writing on the wall and bailed out before he lost money.  I feel sorry for the person who bought his business, he went bankrupt within a couple of years

Down here in Corpus Christi Tx. an elderly couple has a *this and that shop kind of like an old hardware store and they are still hanging in there considering the big corporate store undersell then by a good 40%. I do buisness because your treated like family in there. I think they have had the little shop sinse the covered wagon days (lol). I just bought. 2 replacement tail light assemblies from then for $16 each which was wayyyy cheaper then RV World had to offer and plus I got a free home made raisin cookie and a cup of fresh brewed coffee and got to cchat about the *Good ole days. I guess I'm just old fashioned and we are a dieing breed with society and progress.

I'd rather have a tooth pulled than to go to Walmart ( ChinaMart) and other places in that bracket.I will pay the premium to shop next door if I can but, you cant always do that and it just drives me crazy. David, if every one out there knew how helpful you are to people in need on this forum, you would be putting the hurts on the big boys. It would be nice if you could partner with some of those on-line places and cut your over head a bit. 

I agree Rich, but it seems no matter where you go all things are made in China.  I spent $158 in tools at Lowe's and not one item I bought was made in any other country, they were all make in China.  Seems like "made in USA" is fast becoming a lost cause.  I purchase stuff made in America when ever I can and can afford it.  For example, a new 24 inch 1/2 inch drive breaker bar made in America by SK was $75, I bought one from O'reilly Auto Parts for $25.  Both have lifetime warranties but I just could not afford the SK so I went with the one I could afford.  Not what I wanted, but I did what I had to do.

I totally agree about wally world, I avoid them like the plague.  I was merely pointing out that other places are stuck selling Chinese garbage because that is all that is available to them.  I wish I had the money to get American made all the time, but with my limited resources from SSI I don't have that luxury.

A guy at Sears says that the term U.S.A. is now called OOOOSAAAAA. in China. American tool companies are outsourcing the manufacturing over seas.




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