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I have noticed in California, they are cracking down on OLDER RV's  a slight discrimination issue. Most of the RV parks require an fairly new PURDY half million dollar rig, over a vintage classic. State parks are still allowing older rigs as long as they look decent. ( They don't want the hippy busses full of teenagers who party all night long and end up leaving the space littered with beer cans and maybe a forgotten partier face down in the bushes nursing a hangover. California also has 30 day camping laws. Your allowed to camp in your RV for up to 30 days PER calendar year.Some state parks are nice enough to not LOG the days you are there and you can fly under the wire a little longer.California has had an issue with Squatters rights and people have taken advantage of it by parking a delapitated rig,, pay a months rent and then quit paying,, partying like rock stars 24/7 and making it miserable for everyone else. And then they get an evicction notice and all they do is take it to court and get extensions, dragging out the eviction up to a year.... So Campgrounds and land lords are becomming more strict with the squatters laws.  Its getting tough in that State.

I've wanted to go out that way and do some of the coastal highways on my Motor Cycle and base camp out of my RV but, the more I hear about the B.S. you have to put up with I think Ill have to pass. I'm just not CARB compliant. 

ROFL CARB Compliant, That is a good one Rich.  

You can still go to Oregon and Washington where that 15 year rule is still not prevalent like it is in the Land of Fruits & Nuts.  

When I was first planning our excursion back in Feb. that included staying in AZ for a month then moving to Vegas, Reno, Redding, and Arcata, CA then pickup up 101 there and get thru Cali as quickly as possible.  But Arcata, CA was the last place in Cali to catch the coast road before OR and cruise our way up to our Granddaughter's place in Waldport, OR on US101. 

Anyway, I did not have a problem finding RV parks to stay at in Oregon, but ran into some problem in CA but was still able to find RV parks up north that were not "shite don't stink" parks.  So with careful looking in CA, or staying in OR & WA you will find nice parks that are not disagreeable on age, or should I say age discriminatory. And be able to do your exploring on your motorcycle.

Sorry we hijacked your thread Patricia, If CA is too difficult, go across the border into AZ & NV, there you should have far less problems.

Ha, I enjoyed reading these comments....just wanted someplace to thaw out from Nov thru April as Spokane gets  so cold and soggy and Reno/Carson City sometimes gets snow when I don't up here.   Hmm...maybe Parker or Havasu, my old stomping grounds!

Getting worse all the time, but understandable. On our way back from snowbirding we stopped off in Austin to see our son. We called ahead trying to find a place to stay. Some of the places wouldn't accept campers older than 5 years or so. Two places said they would grant an exception to policy if we mailed....not emailed....photos. But, of course, after Corpus Christi, I can see their point. We stayed just outside the Navy base because the Famcamp was full for the Blue Angel airshow. Looked OK at the office, but the rest of the park was a "Meth campground". The camper next to ours turned out to not be an empty one used for storage. At least two people had lived there 3.5 years. POWs live better than that. Most of Texas is right down there, as well. Del Rio is essentially a "Meth town".

I have stayed at that Park, and whats IRONIC,, that picture is exactly where I was parked,, The trailer to the left with tilted front window awning is an old timer who works locally for an online car dealership, The back of the trailer in the center is a college kid who drives a corvette,lol.

Now straight across from that view are a few trailers for Immigrant oil field workers who take off from Thursday to sunday and they like their late night BBQ;s.. 

It was a clean nice park when I was there, but has taken a turn for the worse since the managers are retiring and handing the reigns to a younger couple. Mac and Pat ,managers have run that park with strict rules, but they are getting up in age and health is declining quickly.

I was wondering,,if ya noticed any *green algea in your water line during your stay?. That park is NOT on city water,, they are on a private well,, just across the street from the park entrance,

off Skipper lane.  Can't miss that street, just look for the boat shop on the corner with boats and trailer and junk lined up along the street all the way down to the ghetto crack house apartments.  Corpus Christi,(Flour Bluff area where the park is located) has gone down hill with meth heads,drunks and tweeks... what a shame for a town that was nice back in its day.

I go down there once or twice a month, and ya know your close when you can SMELL the Laguna Madre. (gateway to Padre Island).

The Navy Famcamp is rge place to stay down there. It is wide open an right on the water. We always stay at military Famcamps when possible. There are also Coast Guard and NASA Famcamps here and overseas. Depending where you are, some places are home to the Blue Angels, Thunderbirds, Army Black Knights, etc. At Yuma, AZ you can watch the HALO and SOF jumpers. Yes, the water sucked. The only socially redeeming thing about Corpus is Snoopy's seafod restaurant. My wife is a birder, so I follow her around shooting birds. She found the Caracara on Mustang Island. Aw for the campground hosts: theyonly threw the old guy out after 3.5 years because he failed to pay his rent. There was a young guy in that camper with him (pardon my Shiver). I had to loan him an air compressor and tools to get his camper out of the site. If they tok care of the park, they wouldn't have let him live like that for so long. Mreported them to God Sam and the Health Department. Of course, you see that everywhere. Fiesta Key in Florida is the same. The contract campground in Big Bend is also a health hazard. Fort Huachuca, AZ has one if the mist outstanding campgrounds anywhere (military or civilian). If you want greaaattt campgrounds, go to Missouri and Arkansas! Clean, neat, great trails, and abundant wildlife! Mount Magazine, Petit Jean, Withrow, and Queen Wilhomena in Arkansas are gems. The last time we camped in Oklahoma was a disaster! Dirty, bad plumbing, etc from the Okies. The crappy campers and people who live like pigs only make it tough on everyone else.

I think that these cautionary tales of woe are a great illustration of just why most places have gotten strict in California. It's only too obvious that there is a "bad" element associated with older RV's that spoil it for the rest of us, but what to do about it? Maybe a cosmetic restoration could be one solution? But as far as I'm concerned, at least, it's the new monster trailers and motorhomes that screw up the experience more than any other factor by taking up way too much space and being operated by folks better suited for taking the train. I feel that these rigs are not for camping, but just apartments on wheels that totally isolate the occupants from the outdoor experience, which is theoretically the REASON to go in the first place. I would be happy if RV parks were arranged so that the big rigs were in one section and the rest of us in another. Keeping out the bad eggs is OK with me, but park operators need to differentiate between "them" and everyone who doesn't present a risk. On the other hand, park concessionairs are faced with becomming quasi law enforcement officials, which would not be fun either. Maybe there should be a Riff-Raff section as well. ;-)

I like your outlook on your comment. 

The Rv park me and wife are in are way cool, Sisters own it and do a pretty good job at keeping a clean park, They keep the grass mowed, spray the ant piles and help with the skeeter attacks. The office manager does a good job with setting you up in a decent spot, i.e. other RV'ers with like Trailers. She puts the Bazillion dollar rolling McMansions down the center,, 5th wheels on another isle,bumpers pulls on another. (she will ask you to drive thru the park first to choose a spot that makes you feel comfortable). She is particular about the rigs that are barely rolling and windows falling out, and especially if the trailer is being towed by a van full of teens and smoke rolling out the windows.

I have noticed that the RV'ers with the huge McMansions are not there for the RV experience, But to show case there investment to others like being at a Country club. I have come across several who will look down there nose at anything less then 3 yrs old and smaller then a city block.

I still have one neighbor across the way who's wife baulked that I was BBQing outside. She was saying,, Those type of people will eat anything,,thats so discusting to cook outside with the bugs and dust and wind.

And yes, I was the bad guy... I had walked by and told the lady,,yuppp (in that southern type redneck voice). I killed it myself,,, I havent a clue what it was but I got it out from under your rig, and was pretty tastey once ya burnt the fur off it.

I think I ruined the *wine time and caviar for them.

I know, I know,, Im a meanie... I just enjoy us common folks who live for the day, enjoy, Rving as it should be, Relaxing,, hanging out with friends and new friends and talking about nothing.  I prefer a camp fire over a country club any day.

==And yes, I was the bad guy... I had walked by and told the lady,,yuppp (in that southern type redneck voice). I killed it myself,,, I havent a clue what it was but I got it out from under your rig, and was pretty tastey once ya burnt the fur off it.

I think I ruined the *wine time and caviar for them.==

ROFL  I would have loved to have been there for that, wish I could think of things like that to say




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