After missing most of the 2017 camping year with a warped torque converter it was a joyful time when we made our annual year end Thanksgiving camping trip. We had a great time and my hopes for 2018 was high to say the least. Well 2018 came in and we hit the camping trail it seamed like The Palace was finally in it's stride so I thought! So, I had taken her out a couple times and our fathers day/ my birthday camp was the best so far for many reasons. The Palace performed very well and my confidence ran high then came racing season. The first long road trip; about 150 miles one way was planed and executed. For the trip up I was as happy as you can get driving a 40 year old motor home. We had the best time watching vintage motorcycles race and compete in many different classes. We had three days of the best weather you could ask for and it was great. However on the way home in the middle lane of a four lane interstate, the engine wiring decided to go into meltdown and catch fire. Well 60 miles an hour with flame and smoke flowing over the grill no one letting you over was a real trip. After 5 hr. dealing with trying to find someone to tow my pride and joy home was the worst part of it by far. Thanks to the AMA yes that's the American Motorcyclist association they found me and coordinated a great tow co. to bring her home. After prying off all the melted plastic and welded copper the meltdown wasn't nearly as bad as I had first thought but, it made me wake up and I decided it was time to spend the time and money and just look at what I needed to do to make my motor home as safe and reliable as possible. I went on a wholesale replacement of all the things I thought could cause me grief and leave me stranded. This decision was partly because I could not find a definitive reason for the melt down. so I started with the things that was in that direct circuit. The starter and alternator. When I pulled the alternator, I found a dark spot on the venting on the back of it so I pulled it apart and found my smoking gun-literally; it was shorted to the frame and that was the cause of the meltdown. I also replaced the water pump, fuel pump all the water and vacuum hoses and the thermostat. I also completely revamped the wiring for the engine bay harness.I really felt this was the right thing to do and I was happy with what I had done and also, it gave me confidence to make the Jimco retreat. On the way home I found I had a fuel delivery problem even after changing the fuel pump. I found the filter on the fuel sending unit was thick with varnish but thankfully the tank was like new on the inside, I replaced the sending unit because the filter isn't replaceable. I also replaced all my rubber fuel lines and decided to rebuild the carburetor. As one thing leads to the other I went ahead and replaced plugs and wires as well and even cleaned and repainted the engine and air cleaner components, hey it may not be a hot rod but it looks like one from that point of view ( 20180824_192346.jpg ) plus a clean engine runs cooler than a dirty one. I can tell you with all this being done the Palace now runs as new. I always thought it ran very well but now it far exceeds the previous. So here's the thing that just slapped me in the face, after all this work, time and investment I have a new problem and, it's just ironic. Iv'e done all this with the thought of the palace not shutting down on me. Now I can't say I never thought of this in the past but they always worked well and just after I bought it I had the front's replaced I'm talking about the break's The Palace has really good brakes but, Monday night while backing into the garage the power steering felt like it was stalling the motor out; like it was binding. After finally getting it in the garage I found the problem. I was setting there pushing on the brakes and they was hard as a rock and with the pedal all the way out it would apply the brakes when I turned the steering wheel. The Palace has a Hydroboost system and apparently it is bypassing. Hydroboost is operated by the power steering pump so now that is my new project. It just go's to show you there is always going to be something! At least these are all things that make her better and not just bling. We have a camp planned for the 27-29th and then the annual Thanksgiving camp. I hope next year I can just git in, turn it on and go! Oh and stop too. Thanks for reading.
I feel you pain Rich. What you have experienced is common. One thing after another. I am glad that you keep a little smile on you face as these things pop up.I truly believe that the good Lord is watching over you. These little things that pop up in our lives (they may seem BIG) are meant too strengthen us. I too have experienced small set backs in my travels and I ask the Lord to give me strength.
Be thankful that you are safe and no one got hurt when these things happen. I can tell you for a fact that Lord is watching over you because of your strength and and His grace.
One the brighter side, you well have more confidence once you have finished the repairs. My trip that I just completed was 2200 miles and the Mansion ran beautiful. My only two problems were propane flow at low temps below 55 degrees at night it would quit flowing until morning. The second thing was the black tank smell when I rolled down my window. I believe that my "P" trap in the shower in the bathroom was dry. I put a plug in it and it seems to have worked.
Keep you chin up Rich and don't let Murphy win.
Thanks Jack and yes I think you are right;. the good lord has always looked over me even when I neglected to thank and praise him.
WOW !!!! What did you do to upset Murphy? I thought I had tamed him down after my mishaps. I hope things all go smooth for you.
I think you just ticked him off Lakota. I pushed him off the cliff! LOL
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