First trip of the new season here in the NW and Caribou Monaco (Dodge 440/727 TF Trans) runs fine. I pulled a long 7 mile grade, which was 6%+ the last mile. Transmission downshifted 4-5 times, no problem, but upon cresting the grade and descending, I reached a level stretch, tried to accelerate, and it was as if the transmission were in neutral. A mile or two coasting, and the trans again engaged and performed fine the rest of the day.

The transmission was serviced last year with new fluid and filters. Fluid is clear. Level was 1-pint low upon inspection at bottom of grade.

Any ideas on what happened here? Any suggestions on what should be done to rectify will be greatly appreciated!

Tags: 727 Transmission, Dodge RV Transmission, transmission cooler

Views: 521

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Will adjust accordingly. Thanks very much.

if the bands and throttle kick down is adjusted prop the trans can not float and also when you shift into drive 2 or 1 it will stay there no matter what

In response to all of the great postings here, I went online and began looking at transmission coolers. I found two basic types, one is an expanded transmission fluid pan with cooling channels that increases fluid capacity and directs cold ram air through the bottom of the pan.  

The second consists of a small cooling radiator and associated connectors, mounts and lines. My motorhome already has this type installed, mounted parallel to the engine radiator at the front.

My question is, and taking into account that the original problem I reported was in all likelihood due to the "float" described as a characteristic of the 727, do I need an additional transmission cooler, i.e., th "pan" type. I am at somewhat of a disadvantage in that my system does not incorporate a transmission temp gauge, so I don't know precisely what is happening inside the transmission. One clue, however, is that when I checked the trans fluid after the "out of gear" experience, the fluid was, as always, clean and clear, indicating to me that it had not overheated and "burnt" or discolored from over-heating.

Disclaimer: I should have mentioned, though I'm sure all of you could tell, that the automatic transmission is the one part of the entire motorhome system that I know the least about.

Thanks again to all who are responding with so many good points.

Sounds to me like you have an external cooler on there now so that should be all you need on a hard long pull trans oil temp can get to 280 to 300  degrees which for short time will not do any harm

My 97 dodge and 2003 dodge with tow packages have thermal switches on trans coolant lines. The line has a a T. with a switch controled by the compuer or a thermal heat switch. The trans fluid runs into side resivor or radiator. then a ptedetermined temp set at factory. the switch opens and the trans fluid is then routed to the cooler up front of the radiator. I suppose if the regulated temp in the switch were to drop it would probly switch back over to the radiator tank and then switch back to the cooler when the temp reached higher temp.
Btw. my 2003 is the only dodge truck I've had that has a trans temp guage and an aux cooling fan. Plus if trans temp gets to high. Dodge made sure they get into your wallet. A lightning bolt light comes on and within 45 seconds the trans disengages and then engine shuts down in fail safe mode and the dealer is the only one who can reset the onboard computer. I'm a stickler at watching my guages.




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