hello everyone as you know I have a 77 Dodge sportsman selling rv it has a 360 with a 727 transmission. I've had all kinds of things going Heywire on it from the brakes failing to now it doesn't want you stay going at the stop sign or stop light it spits and sputters and acts like it wants to die and sometimes it does. and yes I replace almost everything plugs points condensers wires check for vacuum leaks could have found the one but my question is today the oddest thing of all I now have no reverse could someone please tell me how that could possibly have it that one year just disappeared do I need to get a new transmission rebuild this one or just rethink this and get some other kind of rv to work on? any assistance would be greatly appreciated

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Hi Winny, if your fuel pump and or front and rear rubber gas lines are older you should replace them.

I have seen 727 transmissions lose just reverse gear.Its usually a internal mechanical problem.

you're talking about the stuttering is it the dying that it's doing I should replace gas lines and the filters? do you really think that the fuel pump is there anyway that I can test a fuel pump to see if its that? having the transmission rear go out its so odd to me. However I've owned a car before and it was a Dodge and you can have reverse gear but it was really easy to push lol. is anyone know how to check and adjust the linkage if anybody can explain that to me maybe I can handle it myself. All these mechanics can get a little pricey. Thanks again everyone

What I'm saying about the motor is that you need to check and replace things that are probably warn out.If the linkage works for drive it will engage the transmission reverse position as well.You need to find someone who knows transmissions and have them check it out.

being an old dodge mech I would change oil and filter and adjust low reverce band also the kick down band you need an inch pound torque wrench to do this also when you have pan off make sure reverce ban is not broke but it likely just needs band adj  should be done every 30.000 miles




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