Hey guys, little west of Albuquerque and was trying to decide the best (read easiest route) for me to get down to Quartzsite.  I'm a little nervous about the climb up to Flagstaff on 40 and then back down 17 - some people say it's a nightmare, others say it's the best route.  Considering backtracking and taking 25 south even though that takes me out of my way.  If I did that, how is 60 across from I-25 to Phoenix?

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Dawn, If the weather is good,, 40 onto the 17 is NOT as bad as you think, if you stay in your right lane and enjoy the scenery.. I already know your not a BONZAI driver (not pointing fingers). Its actually a nice route and the grades are not that drastic,, they platue in several areas...

Thanks Lakota - that really eases my mind.  She actually doesn't do bad going down grades.  Doesn't pick up much speed at all.  Going to do 17 south on Thanksgiving with the hope the traffic will be lighter.  Weather looks clear both Wednesday and Thursday and not seeing any wind concerns at least here and my destination.

Going to be warm though once I get down to Phoenix and you know how Juno doesn't like it warm!  Crazy.  I hate the cold and my RV hates the heat.  Facepalm.  I had these visions of going to the beach a lot...!!!

Appreciate the support.  The driving on this trip sure has me rattled!  It's going to be nice to get there and stay mostly put for awhile.  Discover the secrets of desert living :-)

You will have no problems doing I40 and I17. There is only 1 long pull south of Flagstaff but it just slows ya down. I think anyone who would claim that I40 & I17 around Flag is a nightmare is a dedicated flat lander who think little hills are mountains, LOL. 

If you have concerns stay on 40 till you reach 89 then go south. You are on the other side of the mountains and it is a good road. You will also go through Chino Valley where my son is at, just in case you have engine problems. His shop number is 928-636-0980. 

You can stay on 89 till you hit 60 and that will take you over towards Quartzsite.

Thank you Russ!  I remember you said your son was near Flagstaff.  That is good to know.  If 89 is a good road, I might consider that as I could miss Phoenix completely.  I'll check the route (I like to have "emergency" stopping places preplanned - don't laugh!).  




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