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On the hiline, MT
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Just bought my new-to-me 1968 Aristrocrat Lo liner and am excited to start fixing it up and personalizing her. I'm a wildlife biologist so I'm sure there will be an outdoor theme--actually, I just bought curtain material featuring fly fishing and retro style outdoors pinup girls so I guess the theme is already started lol.

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Help please :)


Hi, this is my first time posting/blogging, so hope I am doing it right.  The front of my 1968 Aristrocrat Lowliner is in need of some TLC but I'm not sure how to proceed.  I figured the ugly brown added on tin piece in front was hiding something but was surprised when I took it off to see the big rip across the front.  From what I…


Posted on June 30, 2013 at 2:39pm — 3 Comments

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At 3:13pm on August 31, 2011, jessica dittmer said…
ah ha! I figured you'd have snagged it otherwise LOL! We are working hard on ours...have to go to wyoming next week to do my dad's the front end is going BACK ON today and tonight and tomorrow....hard work on a timeline!
At 6:42pm on August 29, 2011, jessica dittmer said…
can't wait to see updated pics! we are hard at work here too! hey, I saw your dad had an older camper in his yard when we were there last weekend...what's that story?!
At 1:43am on August 24, 2011, we3evans said…
Well we have a 13 year old daughter and she actually likes to sleep up there. I don't mind it because I am usually the last to go to sleep and the first to rise in the AM. If she slept on the dinette bed then I'd have nowhere to read or get my day started without leaving the camper to sit outside. So we use ours every time we camp and it's not a pain in the butt so far. She does bang the roof when she rolls over occasionally, but she has only had a couple weekends up there to get used to it. We just bought the trailer in July. 
The little foam mattress that goes up there is tri-fold or some call it a Z fold and I fold 2 sides of it up leaving the last part flat on the bed, and then half the bunk folds over the flat part of the mattress and then it folds up to be latched. Heavy, but simple when folding. Without the bunk folded up you'd hit your head if trying to sit on the couch though. 
Do you have turquoise appliances? If so I am jealous if you are getting a turquoise ice box! Almost everything in out trailer is original except our fridge. While I would love the icebox, my hubby thinks the electric fridge is more functional, even though we tote coolers every time we camp. LOL! But let me know if you need more info/pics or anything. I'm obsessed with our little camper and actually missed it when we didn't camp this past weekend. I too think it is the coolest thing since juice boxes! :D
At 2:10pm on August 22, 2011, we3evans said…

Hi Jeanne, I thought you'd like to know that I joined this site just to answer a question for you about the bunk above the bed in the back, but after looking around I the site I am glad I did. It's always nice to connect with other Aristocrat owners and just people who love vintage trailers in general. It was love at first site when I seen our 66 Lo Liner. I know I DIDN'T see that you have grown children and grandbabies right? You look WAY to young to have grandchildren! If so, what's your secret? I wanna look that great when I have grandbabies! :D

At 3:40am on July 17, 2011, Terri Drimel said…
Hi Jeanne!  I just joined this site a few weeks ago.  I bought a '70 Aristocrat Landmark which is in pretty good shape.  There are not too many Aristocrats out there.  She does have dry rot and will probably need all the corners redone but she is usable for now.  Fly fishing is also one of the reasons I wanted a camper!  Are you a member of Sisters on the Fly?  Can't wait to see your photos!
At 10:19pm on July 15, 2011, Helen Waddell said…
Hi Jeanne, Welcome!  First off, take some pics and post them so everyone can see what you've got.  Everyone here is very good about helping out and answering questions.  I've gotten lots of good advice on GORVs.  Boy, I wish I'd found mine closer to home, LOL.  Flyfishing is the main reason I wanted a trailer.  I've still got lots to do on mine but I think it's actually fairly campable as is, but I just want to get as much done as possible to be sure it's water tight before I go anywhere.  Anyway, put the pics up for us to admire and help you out!  take care, Helen



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