Anti sway bar bushings on a P 30 chassis Airstream Argosy

Ok, this one is probably an obvious one. I need new rear anti sway bar bushings. I am writing this one in hopes of helping others by bringing attention to all of you to check your rear sway bar. front one too. I will give credit here to my friend Greg Blue. Fireman and Airstream expert from southern Florida. 

I noticed my Airstream Argosy motor coach seems to sway to much in the butt. Side to side sway as in a top heavy feel. I just installed new Air springs in the front and this firmed up my front end which brought an obvious feeling of how loose the back of the motor coach feels. So, Greg told me to look at my rear sway bar bushings. 

Well, it doesn't take and expert to see from my picture here that my bushings are shot. In fact, you can see from the picture that the sway bar link has been stressed to a bending point. Can you guess what I will be replacing today ? Any of you with a P 30 / P32 chassis, take a look at your rear sway bar. In my opinion, this type of situation raises a risk of over sway. I will not drive my Airstream until I replace these. 

Views: 402

Tags: anti, bar, bushings, rear, suspension, sway


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Comment by Jack Wasmuth on August 3, 2015 at 9:44am
Comment by jeff york on August 2, 2015 at 8:01pm

R. Randall. I will be calling Roadmaster tomorrow thanks

Comment by R. Randall Halton on August 1, 2015 at 8:28pm

Hi Jeff York, I found a company that seems to know about what you are look'n for in the way of bushings.  , 1+765.575.8496 or the other thing is to call the primary companies , Roadmaster etc... and tell them, 1 diameter of sway bar, end bolt size and the interior width of the bushing shoe, 3. vehicles gross weight. The shoe looks like a D, laying down with 2 bolts holding it. The folks at RoadMaster are real smart and helpful. They have provided a number of drop kits to me over the years. Also the poly bushing, is a supierior to the rubber. And it wont disintegrate if someone pours MEK on it.  

Comment by Russell E Johnson on July 31, 2015 at 10:37pm

Sounds like a good plan, that parts man must have been a kid not to have known about the P30 chassis. They have been around for longer time than I care to think about LOL.  I asked a salesman, about 18 months ago, about finding me a used suburban with a 454 in it and then I had to explain that a 454 was an engine.  He may have been maybe mid 20's, the poor old 454 was discontinued before he was even born LOL

Hope you have an easy time getting them installed.  Please post how much they improve the handling, I may do the ame thing to our MMP as it could sure use some help in the tail wagging dept.

Comment by jeff york on July 31, 2015 at 10:00pm

Russell, I called so many places today and went down a rabbit hole starting with the two local Chevy dealers, and the GM truck dealers. Oddly, all of them told me they never heard of a Chevy P 30 and claimed they had been in parts with Chevy for 15 and 10 years. Heck, I knew of the P 30 before I owned a MH. I think I am going to order a set of polys from Energy Suspension. online

Comment by Russell E Johnson on July 31, 2015 at 5:46pm

Here is the website I was talking about, Workhorse took over the chevy P30 & P32 lines: Workhorse Parts

Comment by Russell E Johnson on July 31, 2015 at 5:36pm

Call your local chevy dealer, they may or may not have access to them but if they don't, they will be able to tell you the name of the company that took over the HD chevy line, I am sorry but I am drawing a blank on the name at the moment.  They went out of business also, but if you look up that name for parts it will give you the name of the parts company that handles all the chevy P30 stuff now.  I thought I saved it in my online folder but I didn't.  I used them when I had to get a new ignition switch and bezel for my Southwind, the MMP (Mobile Money Pit in case you haven't seen that reference from my previous posts)

Comment by jeff york on July 31, 2015 at 4:11pm

HELP !!! HELP !!! I can not find these bushings anywhere. I have spent so much time calling the big box auto parts stores, locals and online. I made my front in so firm and now the tail is wagging the dog. These bushings, four of them are 1.75 inch anti sway bar bushings for a P 30 chassis year 1977. The P 30 was built for many years and is the chassis for a multitude of motor homes and medium duty up to 12,000 lb trucks. Can anyone help me source these ? 

Comment by Russell E Johnson on July 31, 2015 at 2:19pm

Great reminder Jeff, it is so easy to over look the little things when having a handling problem, or to just throw new parts on, such as airbags, and not look at how worn parts can be. Thanks for the picture it sure shows what can wear out.

Comment by Lakota Wolf on July 31, 2015 at 1:46pm

Great info,,, and the Picture shows it very well. And not driving it is a wise choice. Better to be extra safe. Good luck with the replacement.



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