Today I didn't have to work, and the weather cooperated, so I could finally give Juno a once-over.  There's some work ahead of me, that's for sure, but overall I was pleased that she's about as solid as I could hope for.

I washed off the road grime - she'll shine up nicely with some elbow grease.  Needs new decaling and touch ups, but overall, pretty pleased with the paint considering she's an 84 (or maybe because she's an 84 - not fiberglass).  The gorilla tape, though, didn't want to stick to the stripping in the corner trim.  I'm just going to get another tarp to hang down the back until I can redo it.

Plugged in without a hitch (I had a fire extinguisher handy).  Lights worked, the cute little retro fan worked, vent light and hood worked, and I toggled the water pump briefly.  Didn't try a/c - I'm stepping down from 30 amp to house current and just had a slim extension cord...also didn't try sockets...two don't look well seated so I want to take my time with those.

PO said reefer doesn't work.  Not high on the list.  I'm hoping it's a compressor I can replace, but prepared for a new fridge if necessary.  Thought maybe a compressor mini style - but not sure I have a breaker for that.

My trusty can of Spot Shot did wonders to the carpet  in the cab - only one spot it didn't get up, but faded it so it doesn't just jump out at you.  Was thinking I'd paint it but don't think I'll need to.  Seat covers are on the list, though.  And the weirdest thing - the dash has a place for vents but they are just decorations.  I guess the only place the heat comes out is at the top of dash?  

Snaps around the top of the cab for a curtain I reckon...wonder how to find the snaps that would fit in them to make a curtain?  Also couldn't figure out where the fuse box that the BF took out went back - but I guess that's what mechanics are for.  He'll get a good laugh out of that for sure.  Also have some decals to remove, but that's for another day.  

Carpet in the camper not pretty, but clean.  I have to look into painting that for sure.  Even have a large extra piece to cut down into smaller mats and practice on, ensure I like the result.  I'll replace with some sort of hardwood look laminate but not right away.  The padding under it is quite nice.  

Was quite excited to find the PO, or the PPO has already replaced all the lighting with LED bulbs except for the bathroom.  Even the porch light.  I figure there's a $100 worth of bulbs with what I counted I won't be buying.

Gotta figure out how to reattach a side running light and license plate tag/light that came loose on the trip. Screws aren't holding and gasketing is rotten behind them.  Replace the whole unit?  Seems extreme. This is where I wish I were more handy (guess I'll learn, eh?)

Took me about eight cranks to start her up - maybe the same issue with accelerator pump.  Once she catches she's good - just not getting gas in there to start with it seems.  Until I can get her to mechanic to look at that going to make sure to start her up and run her every couple of days.  It was so nice to have 64 degrees today and even some sunshine!

What else?  Took some yanking but managed to get the dinette into bed position - the cushions above the cab are great - firm - but definitely need to replace the dinette cushions.  Sinks all the way to the wood. I'm considering a mod where I turn the dinette into u-shaped seating and replace the larger table with a half sized one.  Under the u might be room for some sealed batteries when it's time for a solar set up.

Also trying to figure out if I can mount a fold down desk - do stud finders work with RV walls?  

Ordered a brace for the bottom step as it tilts (and I like the idea of them to keep the coach from shaking some much as you go in and out) and tire covers.  

The seam is uneven in the cabover but all the wood is hard and tight and appears in good shape.  Just going to fill it up with caulking.

Besides the front window all the seals around the other windows I think look good.  Except there are these notches under them that seem to be deliberate.  I'll have to take pics to ask if they are normal.

The a/c shroud is a disaster - lol - half of it gone and someone thought duct tape would be a good way to deal with it.  I sure hope if the a/c works (it did when tested at purchase) I can get a new shroud.  If it's half the price of the a/c (as it's old) I think I'll just replace the whole unit and be done with it.

Only other worrisome thing at this point (with systems yet to be tested of course) is the sewer smell outside at the back.  All the pipes under there look new, but even if the PO didn't dump, shouldn't the smell be inside and not outside?  As soon as the mechanic is done I'm debating whether to dump myself or take her straight to an RV place and let them check out those things that need gloves - lol. I sure hope we don't have a cracked tank.  There were some pretty bitter nights before he got her here.  Water heater was drained, though (I've cracked a water heater twice by forgetting to drain!).

Considering seeing about removing the cargo box and getting the tire put up underneath.  I could use the generator bay for storage of tools.  They removed the ladder to put the box on and I really want to have the ladder back.  it's a big heavy iron thing that doesn't have as much storage room as you might think considering how much it sticks out.

So, anyway, that's the latest update.  It was good to finally just have some time today just doing those little things that start the process of familiarity.  I'm not disappointed.  Some kinks to work out, but nothing daunting.

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Comment by Dawn Michelle on January 16, 2017 at 11:54am
Thanks Pat. I will admit I feel a little out of my element. Not a complete mystery as I've done this before, but I'm not sure the priority of things. This morning we tarped the backend...she's beginning to look a bit like a hefty bag! Not sure whether, after the mechanic's, to just tarp her again and wait for better weather–or hit the bank account and take her in to have the roof and seams done professionally. The big thing that's bugging me is the sewer smell; I think I need to have that professionally looked at no matter what. Thinking about it, I could just at least get an estimate then. Might answer the question for me!



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