Finally finished reupholstering the jackknife sofa for our new old rv today!! I feel like I've run a marathon for some reason. It was pretty stressful and I am so glad it's done. It actually turned out pretty well and I guess we saved hundreds of dollars but I don't think I would do one with the fabric and design again. Whew!!

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Comment by Dawn Michelle on May 18, 2017 at 3:37pm

Woohoo!  Hold on to your hats!

Comment by M K Wilkie on May 18, 2017 at 2:55pm
Here at Tight Lines set up and heavy wind and rain rolled in. No problem! Glad it's today and not Saturday when the Vets go out on the big lake!
Better this than 82 and humid like yesterday!!!
Also, they have over 400 Vets signed up this year!
Comment by Dawn Michelle on May 18, 2017 at 10:22am

OH  - getting the WRONG thing!!  That's the story of my reno - ROFLOL.  You have my sympathy. Sounds like you made it work however.  Kudos for the creativity.

Thanks for the heads up on the product by - what a great idea.

Yeah, I forgot - yes, I still have to do curtains.  Thanks for the reminder.

That event sounds like a lot of fun - enjoy!!!!

Comment by M K Wilkie on May 18, 2017 at 10:15am
Dawn, I used Velcro on the last cushions I made for the Funfinder we used to have before this one. I'm debating whether it was easier. I should have used the old zippers in these cushions. I ended up getting some really big ones and had to remove the double pulls from two! Just me ordering the wrong thing again. They all are working but I'm glad they are hidden. Lol! One thing I really like and used both times is a product sells. It is a very thin silky plastic like material that you wrap the foam with. Then you hook it up to your vacuum hose and it sucks the air out of them so that they can slip into the covers easily. Just like those space bags. You can leave it in because it doesn't make any noise or show.
You think your fabric is too thin, but I went through Hell because mine was to thick!! Go figure. I use indoor/outdoor fabrics for their ease of care and durability. I tore the really nasty covers off of the bunk mattresses and bought waterproof covers and fitted sheets for them. Thought about using Tavel fabric but not ready to do that much sewing again. Plus, I have to sew a bunch of curtains after the painting is done and the curtain rods are up. Paul got a finish coat on all of the cabinet doors and drawers. Big accomplishment for him. Today we get a break and go help set up tables and chairs for an event in Manistee for the veterans called "Tight lines for Troops". The charter boats take over a hundred vets out fishing on Lake Michigan for the day on Saturday. Onward!
Comment by Dawn Michelle on May 18, 2017 at 8:22am

Oh I know - I hate responding on my ipad :-)  

Well.  Let's see - dinette we have to replace foam - the upholstery is not in bad shape, just fugly - lol.   I don't sew.  It's that sticky stuff that velcro likes so I WOULD just work it that way, but my mom pulled her sewing machine out and is planning on deconstructing, using it as a template and maybe reusing the zippers.  My concern is the fabric I picked out is not as sturdy so she said she may just think of the new fabric as slip covers.

The loft cushioning is better but still going add a mattress foam topper up there.  That one I am considering not reupholstering at this point as the new topper, sheets and blanket will cover most of it.  Maybe just the edges that might peep out I'll get a small bit and do the velcro bit.

The chair still don't know.  Horrible mauve color.  Just needs a new seat cushion though.  I thought about painting it but my first attempt at that technique with a footstool ended up stiff.  However I did it wrong - I didn't wet the fabric good before painting and got impatient and slathered it on.  Top is okay - but push down and it's stiff.  So not sure.  It also used a lot of expensive chalk paint.  So thinking maybe try the acrylic / fabric softener route.  Just not sure.  

Just saw your pics - yup - you did a FANTASTIC JOB!  Definitely deserves a pat on the back and if you are a drinker - a long tall glass of something expensive! LOL.

Comment by M K Wilkie on May 17, 2017 at 9:21pm

Dawn, if you have cushions already and the foam is still good then you can use the old fabric as a pattern. I use a seam ripper and separate the pieces. Then just cut the new fabric the same. Right now I'm typing on my old Kindle and it makes a lot of mistakes. Will type more later on my phone. This thing is awful!

Comment by Dawn Michelle on May 17, 2017 at 7:53pm

YAY!!! Haven't started my reupholstering yet - I'm hoping my budget isn't blown by the time I get there. Should be interesting...and tips??

Comment by M K Wilkie on May 14, 2017 at 8:47pm
Russ that is what I would have preferred too. But the water tank and pump and heating ducts are under the sofa so we had to keep it. I love my recliner at home. Paul sits on the love seat with the dogs. And I'll use the dinette I guess. I don't mind sitting on the dinette, but many prefer s table and dining chairs. And the dinette makes into a bed.
Comment by Russell E Johnson on May 14, 2017 at 6:21pm

I certainly understand the sentiment. DW is not real thrilled with the idea, but I am going to pull the jackknife sofa and the dinette table and seats out and replace them with 2 wall hugger recliners. They are in good shape and the material is also good, but it is a real ugly brown/red/orange mixture. So out they go and in will go some nice light grey colored recliners. Eventually that dungeon will be all light and airy.



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