Gotta love the vehicle laws, mini rant.

Different laws and regulations vary from state to state, and can get quite confusing.Politics with transportation at its best. Examples as follows are just a small taste of what I have encountered. In lower Michigan, traveling through Berrien county, (St,Joseph / Benton Harbor), on I-94, (corridor from Chicago to Detroit), Your allowed to pull doubles and triple with a special use permit.And daylight driving hours only. But a few miles up the road on the same hwy,I-94 you enter Kalamazoo County, Kalamazoo Michigan,, Doubles are a serious NO-NO,, and triples?.HAAA, ferget about it. Special use permits are not valid in every county with in the state,, even tho DMV will say, sure, yea, no problem, blah blah blah.90% of the time, a State trooper will turn his eyes and let it slide,,, as long as your not dragging pieces of &%$@ behind you.  Indiana can be just as bad,, Cairo happens to be the worst,, they will pull you over for a dusty tail light or more then 3 bugs stuck in your grill, and of course they will have D.O.T. come out and do a full bumper to bumper vehicle inspection, making special notes on how much dust has accumilated on said tail light. 

Now lets jump over to California,, hehehehehehe, The state that will tax your tax and then tax them again. I had issues with renewing my tags on my 85 ,,5th wheel,,, DMV there required a SMOG check on it.

Now let that sink in,, a 5th wheel trailer,(towed by a truck) With NO onboard generator. I asked the clerk how is a smog check even possible on a trailer that does not have any means of self propelling itself, and has to be towed by a pick up truck, She replies, I cannot give you your renewal tags with out the smog certificate, (proof of payment slip, due to the smog automatically goes to DMV). So I take the 5th wheel to local smog station and the 3 guys working there laughed and asked where is the tailpipe for the sensor? They took the form and wrote, trailers dont have engines, and no way to smog,,I return to DMV office and the clerk still would not renew my tags,, she insisted I have the trailer smogged. Needless to say, I left California with expired tags and got to Texas. Texas was even worse. DMV in Texas, said Ca. does their titles all wrong and I need to MAKE them change their process.  Sureeeeeeeee I will get right on that.

They wanted an Empty weight and a full weight,, with tanks empty, and then with tanks full. Then they wanted a bill of sale from the original owner. I had bought the 85 new from a dealer,, and the salesman at the time was pushing 70. And 30 plus years later,, the dealership is no longer there and the salesman has long since passed. DMV didnt care,, they wanted a bill of sale,,, and being the smart ass that I am, I told the lady I would probably need a shovel, She asked why would I need a shovel to get a bill of sale,,, and I said, cuz I will have to find out where they buried the salesman, and go dig him up and see if he will write me out a bill of sale,,, But no garantee he will do it though,,, The clerk didnt think that was funny, So, I leave and figure ok,, lets get around this B/S,, All thats required is a bill of sale from one owner to the next,,, So I sign the title over to my better half and sold her the trailer for $1. We get the paperwork to have a VIN check through Texas vehicle task force to verify its not stolen and we got tags put on the 5th. Now Texas law states ALL trailers and RV trailers get a VIN and SERIAL number check to verify its not a stolen vehicle,,, as being close to the border with Mexico, its a problem with them getting stolen,, taken to Mexico for a few years and then brought back over and sold.

Funny story with dragging the 92 big 5th wheel for Vin check,,, Its a narrow road barely enough room for 2 cars to pass, let along drag a 5th wheel down it.. People in cars stop and back up into driveways to let you get though,, most of them realize your not going to back up for them, (grin) Im bigger and have better insurance so to speak,,lol

When you get to the Vin check DMV office, they have a narrow single lane drive way they expect you to turn into and drive under a concrete over hang carport. with a nice big sign... No vehicles over 6 ft,

(you can laugh now), Most pick ups sit higher then 6 ft, and they expect you to squeeze a 13 ft high 5th wheel under there,,,, sureeee no problem,,, (I think the trailer height is more like 12 foot 13 inches)

( your looking at that and doing the math arent you?) yes you are,, LOL, So now your halfway in the driveway and halfway in the street and pissing off at least a dozen or so drivers, so someone helps you manuver back out and you park along the curb,, blocking the one side of the raodway,,,,  excellent planning on that trailer DMV location. Of course the clerk still expects you to pull in under the carport as she stands there, and you literally ask her,,,,,, seriously? She huffs a little and has the inspection officer come out and search and crawl all over, inside and outside looking for any and all numbers and finally gives you the thumbs up and takes his paper work inside to the clerk. You pay the $18,, and head on out while the clerk glares at you over her half glasses propped on the end of her nose... Its so tempting to want to walk back in there and smack that smirk off her face so hard, her grand kids would feel it. And of course,,, Every trailer in Texas has to be inspected once a year to renew your tags. Of course,, on any given  day, you will see several utility trailers with no lights, fenders or even tags cruising down the road,,, But if I was to try that,, Bam!!!! I would be pulled over and run thru the wringer.

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Comment by Lakota Wolf on July 7, 2017 at 3:43am

With that BMV issue with your car,,, If you didnt have any of that bad luck, you wouldnt of had any luck at all.. And you are correct,,, it can be their fault 100%, but they manage to make it YOUR fault every time....and we all know you just cant fix political stupidity,,, some have tried duct tape, but that seems to be the only thing duct tape cant fix...

B.T.W. I'm still working on a full blown rant,,(lol), But by then I will have been banned from the INTERNET,,, not just certain places but the whole Dubbya Dubbya Dubbya,,,LOL

Comment by John "T" Nordhoff on July 6, 2017 at 5:33pm

 BTDT and got the T Shirt Wolfman I FEEL YOUR PAIN. If that's a "mini" rant what's your full rant like lol

 I bought a car in Florida last winter and the dealer sent all the title work to Indiana and due to our BMV not the dealers fault it took 3 months to get the title gggggrrrrrrr The dealer sent them ALL and exact what they asked for but if they forgot to dot an I or cross a T THEY SENT THE ENTIRE PACKAGE BACK NOT JUST THE ONE INCOMPLETE FORM. They they sent it back because it missed the deadline,,,,,,,,,,,then they sent it back because I overpaid,,,,,,,,,,,,then they sent it back just for good measure AND ITS THIER BALL GAME AND NO ARGUMENTS ACCEPTED EVEN IF LOGICAL AND PER LAW.   

 I have came across similar BMV arguments where I need something signed even though the person was dead. I know this one "dude" who solves that problem. He tells them he will take care of it,,,,,,,,gets the right form "signed" hmmmmmmmmmmmm lol take it back to a different clerk or different BMV, problem solved. Heck as long as it signed by Santa Claus it fits their story and they accept it. A lot of times when they ask a question BEFORE I answer I ask what happens if the answer is yes and what happens if my answer is no THEN I GIVE THEM THE ANSWER THEY NEED LOL

 I learned how to play the game

John T   NOT a fan of the BMV

Comment by M K Wilkie on July 5, 2017 at 9:21pm
:) okay, two more states to avoid in the future. But I already knew that. Good write up!!



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