Finally,,, The Texas heat is fading back to a comfortable swelt. When its triple digits,, ambition to tinker and fix and what not outside is pretty much zero. But now the temps have gone down to a crisp yet balmy upper 90's. (remember anything below 70 is parka weather and snow boots for Texans) I was going through my to done do did list (say that 3 times fast). And was checking off the things that got done did, done it, done it, done it, done it, kinda done it,, dont want to do it  etc.

So after what seems like hours and hours and hours of going through the list,, I glance at the clock, and its been about 14 minutes.

Yea, yea, I know,,, I need to get a better grasp on my time recognition. I still need to remove,, (yes remove) the under counter electric water heater that I had installed a couple months back that decided to split on the top, (it was a residentual type 20 gallon electric water heater). That involved removing the kitchen sink and cutting the shelving underneath and lowering it into place and plumbing it into the existing RV plumbing,  Then reinstalling the sink and faucet etc. Then spending a few days recouping from getting into gumpy positions that the human body was never meant to get into into.Then to add to the project,, going over to my other 5th wheel and removing the Gas water heater to install in the 5th wheel we have parked for long term. So after sweltering in the Texas sun, (was triple digits and no wind) I get that water heater out,, I make a custom cut panel to cover the hole in the side of trailer till I get around to getting a replacement. (sealed up from the weather and secure). I remove the old gas/elect, combo water heater that was already in the newer 5th we are long termed in, (That involved crawling back under the kitchen sink area, (think gumby),, I get the electrical and gas line removed and a braket that must have been installed Before they installed the cabinets, because it was the definition of a royal pain, as the 2 screws would only turn 1/10000 of a turn at a time, (so it seemed at the time being all cramped with limited movement), and of course they can't use 1/2 or 3/4 inch screws,, NOOOOOO,, they had to use the longest screw that was available on the market. Seriously 5 inch screws? Only screwed into a sub floor?

Ok,,, I go outside and spend another 45 minutes,, maybe 46 minutes, and unscrew 24 mounting screws that hold the water heater into place on the outside. Im looking at all those screws and think,, wow,,, there is almost enough room to add a few more screws and really make sure it dont fall out. So, I let my hand recover from cramping after turning each screw out by hand, and ponder, why didnt I use the cordless drill?  Why? Cuz you is a big dummy,, as ole Sanford and sons would say. But hind sight is 20/20 and 1/2. I take my puddy knife and break the seal of the butyl tape and wrestle the water heater out.

If you have ever pulled a water heater out,, you will notice it has cardboard wrapped around the tank, This cardboard has flaps that WILL snag as you pull,, making the job that more tedius, The veins bulge in your forehead as you grunt and pull till the dang thing pulls free,, then ya stubble backward balancing the water heater till you set it down. I get the new (used) water heater in, connected,, again involving a gumby position, and after several attempts get the water connections to seal up.Im flad this water heater only had 14 screws holding it on the outside,,, and yes,, I forgot all about using the cordless drill, (slaps forehead again). NOw back to my project of getting the bad elec, water heater out. Which will involve the kitchen sink removal and water connections and lugging, twisting and lifting it out. Soooooo, not looking forward to that.  Now I did contemplate the idea of just taking a saw zall and cutting a huge hole on the back of the RV, and roll the water heater out,, and then putting the piece of backing from the hole I had cut, and applying some really good gator brand duct tape to hold it in place, Not just a few straps ,But possibly use 3 or 4 or 8 rolls and really duct it up really good. (your smiling).

Now gator tape is in black only,, which posses a slight problem, It will look Billhilly on a white trailer. So,,, here come several rattle cans of 98 cent spray paint,,, psssssst psssssst,,psssssst,, good as new,,, just look at it from a distance. (you laughing or shaking your head yet?). Then reality sets in and good ole common sense. I pondered which would be easier, Now cutting a hole in the back would involve getting out the saw,, extension cord, standing outside in the Texas heat sweltering like a cookie in the oven and cutting a hole,, sawdust flying everywhere and sticking to the sweat thats pouring out of me,,, OR,, stay inside with the a/c on frost mode and be somewhat comfy and remove the heater,,, Plus save big bucks on all that duct tape and spray paint. I think I will opt for the a/c,,, No duct tape and do it that way. Its totally amazing ,I havent gotten more done,,, like the hot tub jaccuzzi installed,, the regulation pool table and disco ball. But that hasnt been tossed out of the equasion,, its just on the back burner,, way back.   If it aint broke,,, give me a few minutes...

Till then, I refuse to grow up, and you will find me in my blanket fort with my crayons.

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Comment by Rich Thomas on September 22, 2017 at 5:35am

Crayons are good. If you can't collar you can always chew on them. Good read Lakota, sorry you have a nasty streak of bad luck with them heaters. 



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