Why isn't there any Friendly RV'ers on the Hwy?

In my travels, I have put a couple hundred miles up and down the old roadways, and I have noticed (as Russ mentioned), not many RV'ers wave back,You pass them and give them a friendly wave and you usually get the Hairy eyeball or the frown. Seriously? Even at fuel stops, you see a fellow RV'er, and either wave or say hello, and you get the cold shoulder,,(can feel the frost even on a 100 degree day). Now, there are a few and I mean veryyyyyyyy few that will wave back or even acknowledge your existance in their little world. (Not counting the yuppies with their face glued to their I-phone).

I had to sit and ponder the situation,, (Yes, I ponder a lot in my old age). I have concluded,(new word I lernt on Mr. Rogers neighborhood tv show),, that,, the majority of the NON wavers, are in a really pissed off grumpy,just want to get the family vacation trip over with and get these screaming little monster spawn kids back in school and out of my hair type RV'ers.. They are the so-called weekend warriors,, or the I HAVE to do this to keep the wife happy. I have catagorized several typeS of RV'ers. The ones that top the list for NON wavers are the pencil pushers who grind away at a desk in a small office with very little recognition of a job well done, who have a house costing more then they will ever make in a life-time, and already have 4 mortgages against it.. The wife gets the idea, (no offense ladies,,this is my story,) to have ole hubby go get a shiney ,fancy Mcmonster RV and take the family on a cross country road trip. Let the kids see the sights and monuments along the way, and so call ROUGH it in the great out doors. To have a nice campfire with hot dogs and marshmellows and tell stories.... Screeeeeeeeech,,, quit halt,,,,, That sounds all fine and dandy, but lets get back into the real world. You first must get the kids phones out of their hands,, listen for the next 12 hrs how their life is ruined if they can't tweet,text,or update their facebook status ever 3 minutes to all their friends.And listen to their whining,, this is boringgggg and are we there yet? are we there yet? every 22 seconds. About this time,, dad is about to blow a gasket and at 75mph, slams the brakes and everyone goes tumbling down the center isle of the RV..Dad pulls off to the side of the road and reads them the riot act of how everyone is going to have SO MUCH FUN, that it will take 2 weeks to get the smile off their faces,(National Lampoons vacation theme).Now that the family is informed of how much fun they are expected to have,, Dad finds a nice RV park with plenty of shade trees and wide lanes. dad finds a nice pull through and manuvers the MCMonster rig into the space, raking a branch down the whole side of the RV and taking off the passenger mirror and part of the rear ladder rack. Ok,, Dad has it parked, Time to have fun, right? Far from it,, Now this is the first RV dad has ever driven or even messed with, So dad reads the little manual on how to empty the waste tank,, Dad says, no  problem, its not like its rocket science,,right? Dad gets the hose connected from the RV to the hole in the ground,, easy peasy. Dad pulls the valve open and whooooosh,,, alrighty,, its draining. Only problem,,, with the sudden rush of water and ummmm waste, the hose jumps out of the hole and well,,*&%$* goes flooding everywhere,, and dad panics and grabs the end attempting to get it back into the hole where it belongs,,,, after several attempts and the initial pressure relaxes,, dad gets the hose back into the hole as the last couple of quarts of waste empty out of the hose. Dad is standing there ankle deep in a big mess as onlookers laugh quietly among themselves. Its always fun to undress at the entry way pretty much in front of the neighbors, so you dont track in all that *&%$* that you just got hosed with. We having fun Dad? You betcha. You survive the weekend with the kids complaining and whining, blah blah blah,, and head back home.. And along the way,, you see several *happy campers toodling down the road in their older, paid in full RV's and waving a friendly hello. All dad wants to do is get home, and quite possibly put an ad on ebay to sell his kids,(not really ,but he did giggle thinking about it).

They finally get home and dad get the RV parked along side the house, unload all their gear and dirty laundry, and asks the kids,, did yall have fun? and before the kids can answer,,, He said they had better say yes, because thats what family vacations are for,,, Having so much fun,,, the smile will take 2 weeks to wipe off their faces. The kids say, sure, what ever, and run into the house to get on their computers to update,tweet or whatever they do now a days. Mom and Dad settle in the house sitting on the couch, and look at each other, and say,,, same time next year? Sure,,, we will have soooo much fun,,


(I know I'm weird with these antics,, but not to worry, my folks had me tested ).

P.S....  If I'm traveling and pass you and I wave, and you don't, I will turn around and follow you to the next pull off, and walk right up to your window and tell you out-right, you had better wave back or I will have to take your justice league of America membership card.

Happy travels all,, be safe and enjoy.

Views: 192


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Comment by Lakota Wolf on September 12, 2016 at 4:38pm

I have to pass along, that in the south portion of Texas,, just about everyone with a pick up or *older RV will wave,,, It seems to be an unknown city or town *Ordnance. You will be toodling down an old country farm to market (FM roads in Texas), and pass another truck and 99.99% of the time ya get a wave or the *Bikers wave,, The fingers up off the steering wheel. Even when sitting at a red light you get the finger wave or the customary tilt of the head. It seems the McMansion owners are above the customary wave, and is only used by the *little people.

I'm proud to be a little people,,,lol.

When I'm parked,visiting an rv park somewhere,, people will take a double look and when conversing with other like minded folks, their jaws drop open when I tell them, I have owned my RV sinse new,, yup,, over 30 yrs, and still chugging along. Ive owned several *newer rigs along the line, but could never let my first one go,, and its has proven to be better built then what they are trying to sell on the lots these days.

Comment by Rich Thomas on September 12, 2016 at 4:26pm

My son and I was out to a Small State Park last weekend with the Palace; first trip of the summer and second for the year. We had a corner spot and a lot of folks passing by with a lot of favorable comments. I think mainly because there wasn't an over abundance of Mc-Mini Mansions in the park. I had power washed her and she was looking pretty spiffy too. I had a couple folks actually wanted to taker home. I think Lakota hit the nail on the head about the attitude driven response to a wave. For most folks,  vacation is a time limited thing and parents are under the gun to get the most out of a couple of weeks off. The stress and expense of travel and expectation of the family is enough to put you in the hospital in it's own right; let alone the idiot that just cut you off two exits back. Now some jolly dude having a far better day than you wants a wave back? I usually have more folks wave back or even invoke me in conversation than the latter but I think I understand those who don't. or at least I would like to think it's that simple. Maybe RV-er's should adopt the bikers wave. LOL

Comment by Daniel Long on September 11, 2016 at 5:56pm

With the '77 Tioga we got plenty of waves and laughs... maybe that was for a reason?

Comment by Derek L Wilkins on September 10, 2016 at 1:33pm

Take it from me, having an Airstream motorhome, I get plenty of stares, as well as waves.  I always explain history of my RV, as well as sometimes, give tours of the inside.  Like other vintage RV's, there's usually someone at the gas pump dying to ask 20 questions.  80 gallon tank means I'm usually able to answer most lol.  Yes, I used to live in a town where EVERYONE waved at each other, RV or not.  Be so happy to get back to small town life when I retire.

Comment by Lakota Wolf on September 7, 2016 at 10:00am
Thats true,, there ARE A LOT of Good happy RV'ers out there... When I see an older rig, 99% of the time, they do wave back.



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