Hello. I am new to this Forum. I am restoring an 87 Holiday Rambler. It is in ok condition. However I can't get the jack to retract. They have been extended for 6 years.

My question is does the motor have to be running to get them to retract ? Any help would be wonderful. I need to get them up so I can get it to the mechanic.

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Thanks Pat. I am excited to get her on the road again. I do want to get her to a mechanic to give her a once over to see if there are any serious issues. I just cant get the jacks up. The jacks are the ones with the springs on the sides. It appears to have power at  to the switch plate on the dash board.  When I move the floor mounted levers to retract nothing happens. Actually that is not true. The first time I moved them to retract it seemed to drop them down some but they won't come up any further. If I move the levers to extend I can hear a clicking noise come from under the lever console but they don't extend. I will look for the cylinder and check the level. I just keep thinking there must be some sort of relief valve to retract them.

 I have not been underneath yet to look at the lines.

Thank you again for your assistance.  

There are 2 basic types of leveling systems available on the Holiday Ramblers.

Full electric and Electric over Hydrolic.. 99% of the time the Engine has to be running to extend or retract

leveling jacks. Some of the later models had a switch to retract and extend without the engine running,,BUT it put a serious drain on the Battery. I would make sure you dont have rust or dirt accumilated around the *slides for when they do retract,, it doesnt take much to bind them up.

Thanks Lakota. I thought that might be the case as far as the motor needing to be running. I think I have to check the fuel filter at the carb. It ran last week for the first time in 6 years . Only for about a minute but that may have been enough to foul the filter. The tank appears empty. One thing at a time.... right ?

I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe Holiday weekend. I will post pictures of my diamond in the rough soon.

Holly Cow !!!!!!   I just spoke to someone at HWH and they said it would be 6 to 8 weeks before anyone could call me back to answer a question. I said  " Uh never mind " .

 So next step is pulling the fuel filter and changing it then see about starting the puppy back up. Maybe that will help with the jack retraction. I'll keep you all posted.  Cause I know everyone is on pins and needles. LOL.

I had the pleasure of speaking with an older gentleman who pulled in with a *Silver Eagle, ( nice old classic motorcoach). His leveling jacks are spring loaded and his will only operate UP or DOWN with his engine running and his DOORS CLOSED,,,He said its a safety feature of some sort. He said he had one in the front that was being a little testy and would shake and shutter and just be down right stubborn. It had turned out to be dust and crud that had accumilated around the slide cylinder. He says, going underneath after a long stay,, 2- to 4 weeks,, and just visually eyeball the slide cylinders.... He said BE VERY VERY CAREFUL AROUND THEM,,, The springs are under high tension when extended. He mentioned checking the connections around the solenoid to the elctric/hydrolic  motor for corrosion. And to see if the factory inline fuse is good from power source to the solenoid.  (sometimes previous owners cut the fuse out and just splice the wire back).

Just be very careful around the SPRINGS,,, they can and will take a finger or two if given the chance.

Thanks. Definitely good to know.


I am getting frustrated. According to everything I have read they should retract without the need of the pump. I am going to see if they are stuck in the asphalt. 

Got the front ones up. Crow bar. Just started going up. I'll need new springs on one. 

Well... I got the Jacks up.  I got the motor running. No brakes . But I am closer to getting it on the road. Having it towed to the shop Tuesday.

Hwh seems to offer good support on their site yet does not want to give tech time. Ive found a good number of leveling systems will not work without the parking brake engaged. Also some systems have 2 power wires; one for controls, and one for the pump.




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