Greetings all, I just some bad news about the generator in our 87 Southwind.  The generator portion of the generator is fried and it will cost over $5000 to fix if they cna find all the parts.  I am wondering if anyone out there has a line on a used 6.5KW or even as low as a 5KW generator that will fit in my MH.  I know this is a long shot, but we don't have $5-6000 laying around for a new one or to fix this one even if all the parts were available.

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old gen compartments had floors and insulation.  newer methods are metal lined, insulation on the inside of coach and no floors, with vented doors

  I really really like your guys talk of  forced air ventilation of the genny compartment. I think I would wire it so ANYTIME the genny is running its also running and if you want to get more fancy, in the event the fan stops the genny would shut down, just a simple 12 VDC automotive fan(s) and a few 12 VDC coil relays will do the trick. Perhaps an aluminum soffit or facia vent that allows cooler outside air to enter with the fan on an opposite surface that exhausts the heated air wooooooooo hooooooooooo aint this fun lol

 By the way on this topic, I bought one of those small low current draw quiet 12 VDC muffin fans and installed it near the bottom of my RV fridge with a T stat (105@) and it draws cooler air from the bottom, blows it up past the coils, and it exits out the top fridge roof vent. HOWEVER its never kicked on yet (wasn't hot enough the only time I got to try it this summer) and I don't think its gonna help much if any, but the fridge cools fine even in 100 temps so its not really been a problem.

 ALSO I installed a dual small low current muffin fan in the fridge to blow air onto the fridges aluminum cooling fins (that's the evaporator right???) and IT WORKS GREAT as it keeps frost from collecting on the fins like it used to yayyyyyyyyyyyy Ima Happy Camper.

 Nuff said,

 John T

Ya know John "T" you and I think too much alike.  There is a 12 volt feed on the generator that I am going to use to hook up 2 electric fans to.  That way when the genny is running the fans are on and when it is not running they are off.  I am opting for 2 fans so if one quits working the other will carry on the cooling until I get the bad one replaced.

As for the fridge fan, I personally would remove the thermostat and have the fan running all the time the fridge is running, it will keep it cooler and should, theoretically, make it last longer.

Where did you install the muffin fan inside the fridge and how did you get power to it?  That sounds like a great idea to incorporate into mine.

 Russell , maybe "great minds think alike" lol (yours maybe, my old hard drive is full and rusty)

   "As for the fridge fan, I personally would remove the thermostat and have the fan running all the time the fridge is running, it will keep it cooler and should, theoretically, make it last longer."

 Ya know, I like the sound of that. The vendor suggested a 125 T Stat which came with it, so I just hooked it up that way yet it never engaged. I may just wire it direct n be done with it as its such a low current draw and even a small forced air flow bottom out the top over/past the coils has to help somewhat.. 

  'Where did you install the muffin fan inside the fridge and how did you get power to it?"

 It comes with, believe it or not, an alligator clip that holds it in place onto one of the fins, while gravity and the plastic drip tray is what holds it on the bottom, its small and very light weight AND IT ACTUALLY WORKS AND INDEED KEEPS FROST FROM ACCUMULATING ON THE FINS. I got the 12 VDC off the top light circuit in the fridge.

 Fun chattin with you, do you go to Florida in the winter like we do???

 John T

No when we finally head south, the end of January, we go to AZ to see our son and grandchildren.  About the 1st of April we leave there and go up the coast to Oregon to see our granddaughters.  Then we are in MT about the first of May.  We spend about 2 months there visiting family then move on to Iowa for a week or 2 then back to NE AR so my wife can get her nesting instinct fulfilled again LOL. We make short trips, 1-2 weeks, around western and central AR & MO.  Spend Christmas here and then the end of January we do it all over again.

I guess this thread is winding just trying to picture the mounting of the fans. Hehe...but hey..i cant even find a pic of the genset. Sounds like youve got it figured up a pic when your done so we can see what weve been talking about..:)

It will be next summer when I get to MT to get the generator from my BIL and install it.  If my dad, he is 92, gets worse then it will be sooner.  But I will post pictures of the conversion for everyone's benefit.

I'm looking forward to seeing the end results of your conversion Russell. I've been away a few days visiting family and just got the chance to catch up on your thread. Have a safe and Joyous Holiday Season and to all the readers as well.  




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