I have gotten all the decal striping removed from the lower portion of the MH and will start the removing of the glue today. I am dreading the decals that are near the roof, working on a ladder is not something I do very well with anymore with my balance being what it is anymore.
Will be taking the MH to get more propane today, it is $2.88 a gallon here. I think we will need to look into a cheaper way to utilize the propane so it burns less. will start researching that tonight.
We hope all of you have a great day.
Be glad that U don't have to buy it around here. I just had my household tank filled @ $4.24/gallon. Ouch!
$4.24 a gallon is definitely an ouch, Where are you at so we can Avoid your area? LOL
Space heaters and cold pork an beans will save propane but you would just be exchanging one gas problem for an other. Wish I had the answer for that conundrum but all I have is a little humor. Hope your having a good time guys.
My propane heater IS NOT efficient,,,, Therefore I rarely use it unless absolutly need be.
I have what they call a cracker box electric heater,its about 12 inches by 8 inches by 6 inches deep with 2 settings, Low and high with variable thermostat that turns on and off at pre-selected setting. It warms up my 24 footer rather nicely, as long as the temp doesnt drop below 30f.
I am fortunate to have a combo A/C unit with a built in heater, But then again, you have to use the Generator to run it when your boon docking, and it pulls some juice, which then consumes more fuel under a heavy load. I think I will look into that pork and beans heating idea a lil more. (lol)
It IS a bit of a conundrum, isn't it? My house is one thing, but at least my RV has a great combination of good (if old) furnace, inner and outer coach walls of fiberglass and heavy foam insulation sandwiched between them. Even the floor has the same insulation. Hall motorhomes were made by a guy (same guy that designed and made the flatnose Revcons and Airstream trailers) who liked to go skiing in the mountains and made them to be real cozy in very cold conditions. It uses very little propane to keep it at 68 F when it's in the teens.
Yea, that pork and beans idea has a double benefit, you also get a musical revue along with some heat. ROFL
We are having a great time, thanks for asking. I told Berniece that we should bring the electric heater we have, but she said no, I think she secretly agrees with me now. LOL Oh well, we will make it and we will take it on our next excursion in May,
I was looking at the Camco 57331 Olympian Wave-3 3000 BTU LP Gas Catalytic Heater, trying to find the 8100 is not easy, it seems to have been discontinued as I cannot locate anyone who has one for sale.
OK, I will give a good look at the wave 8.
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