I'm the new owner of a Class C 1989 Born Free 24' on Ford Econoline 350. Curious if anyone here has an older Born Free and have any advice to share?  In any case, happy Monday everyone!  

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 As a past used RV dealer and having owned a ton of Class C's IT IS MY OPINION BORN FREE IS THE ABSOLUTE BEST THERE IS. I put Lazy Daze second best. The reason I never owned one is I prefer Chevy chassis and the rear North South Bed with split center bath floor plan which is hard to find in a Born Free. Anytime I bought a Ford 460 I removed the radiator and replaced it with a heavier four core and ALWAYS replaced the water pump along with ALL NEW belts and hoses. They were bad about the rear exh manifold bolt breaking and developing exhaust manifold or other leaks and/or an exhaust crossover pipe for the EGR (plus the EGR valve itself) developing a leak. The C6 trannys did okay.

 John T

Little trivia. Born Free movie came out in 1966. Same year I was born. It was meant to be! ha.  Well, I'm just getting started, going through one major system at a time, but I will be taking it out for our maiden voyage in January and we'll see how she holds up.  I'll post more pics if you want to see the interior and such.  I love the "sky view" cabover window but I know I'll be seeing trouble with that eventually. But it's like Space Odyssey 2000 up there! :)-

Thanks John.  Yeah, I wanted a Chevy chassis as well but this year ('89) came on a Ford with the old 3 speed tranny.  It doesn't like mountains much, and poor 3rd gear really works overtime.  NO overdrive. Ford came out with the better engine the next year.  But these rigs are hard to find, as you know, and the unit has been maintained well.  White carpet. No stains. And it was used regularly but by a person who cared. That's half the battle when buying a used RV anyhow. Finding one that was somebody's baby.  Now she is mine!  Love her. :D-

   TRUE NORTH, yep those Fords with only the 3 speed C6 NON Overdrive Tranny really run at high RPM but that's what they used in those days.........I like my Chevy 454 Vortec with Chevy 4L80E Overdrive Tranny as OD really drops engine RPM once you're up to speed. HOWEVER mostly due to my own fault and some bad operating choices (Dave Ramsey calls it paying Stupid Tax)  I made this fall driving in Yosemite I overheated my tranny and had to buy a Jasper Rebuilt recently, but now I have the biggest highest 10,000 tow rated Hayden aux cooler and wont ever make the same mistakes so this should last my or the RV life. Unlike about all other Class C's the Born Free doesnt have very bad leak problems in that overhead bunk area. I say unless well cared for just about alllllllllllllllllll those Class C's with that stupid front window develop leaks grrrrrrrrrrrr    

 Love to see more pics of your Born Free

 John T

The Tioga was the same way with front window leaks... Its almost garranteed that during its lifetime IT WILL LEAK.  The Born Free also had better floor plan options that the dealer would work with for you,,, The Tiogra brand,, they were less likely to work much on changes.. It was basically an overhead queen bed,, a couch, which folded out to a twin, and 2 lounge chairs and a center table and rear or side bath..

 Wolf Man, I forgot to mention that in my opinion, right after Born Free and LazyDaze, I would put Tioga up there as far as a good overall quality unit. If I ever came across a Born Free on a Chevy 454 Vortec Chassis Class C with my same floor plan (rear North South bed,,,,,,split center bath, booth dinette across from  jack knife sofa) ID PROBALBY BUY IT but Ive NEVER seen such an animal and had to settle for a Four Winds.

John T 

Just an F.Y.I.. the Sportsman is pretty much identical to the Tioga. Both came stock with the 318 w/2bbl and 3 speed trans. The Tioga was proud of the rear bath and the Sportsman was proud of the behind the driver bath.

I believe the only option you had if you pre-ordered it was the upgraded 440 w/ 4bbl carb and a genset on the sportsman. Both where popular with the Dodge chassis.




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